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Love's the only road to travel.
Want to know what's going on behind the scenes? This article discusses several essential concepts and ideas usually glossed over in relationship advice. It also considers how people feel, rather than telling them as they're told. Read on and find out what real love is all about!
Love's the only road to travel. Rarely will you find someone who doesn't like getting a compliment or being treated with the respect they deserve? People don't love for any reason -- it's just something that exists in society; it doesn't live in your heart or mind. Otherwise, you would do it naturally when you meet someone new.
As you get older, you understand that love requires no reason -- it just is. It's not a decision to be made but an experience that happens to people naturally. If your heart decides to love someone, it does, and there's nothing you can do about it. Whether or not this person loves you back makes no difference -- if love exists between two people, they're in love with each other whether they want to admit it.
At the same time, though, certain people won't allow themselves to fall in love without reason. They're unwilling to admit whether they love or not because we always want to know why. Maybe when you find out, you'll think, "Why the hell didn't I stop feeling this way for him?" and perhaps the answer will be ", He didn't give me enough reasons to stop loving him."
But even if a person can't explain their feelings and it's one-sided, that person won't feel comfortable saying so anyway. Why? Because it's about time for them to start being honest about themselves again. They've been hiding behind their facade of a perfect couple for too long, and now it's time to step away from that.
When people tell you that "love is complicated, " they mean that people are complicated.
Love isn't some emotion you have control over -- it's a natural force that exists between two people, and sometimes it hits even when you don't want it to. Love makes no sense -- it's often the most incredible thing you could ever do in your life.
Forget everything else you've heard about love -- like how "true love always wins out" or "there's someone out there for everyone". It's all a load of crap. If love were valid, you and your partner would never break up. But the fact is, the "perfect relationship" doesn't exist.
It's not a stolen secret of society -- it's just a fact that no one knows how to make it work properly. People tend to ignore this fact and think they can have an easy relationship -- but it never happens because human beings are too complex for that. Love is a simple thing-- there needs to be an attraction and a shared interest, which means you have to like what your partner likes and they need to enjoy what you want. That's all there is to it!
What makes things complicated is yourself -- you're why relationships don't work out. People have difficulty being honest and open about what they want or how they feel, so they lie to themselves (and their partners) about the simplest thing in their life. You can't expect a fulfilling relationship if you're not willing, to be honest with yourself and your partner; otherwise, you'll continue deluding yourself into thinking love will work out between you.
That's right -- love doesn't work out. If it did, your relationship would never end, and life would be simple. But the fact is that things never turn out right in life -- someone gets hurt, someone's left behind, or everything falls apart the moment you expect least. You might think that things will turn out well in the end -- but they never do.
The only way you can be happy is if you realize that love is a natural force, and there are times when it's not in your life. It's not about being with the right person because anyone can fall in love with the wrong person. Even if you try to stop yourself from falling for someone, it doesn't mean your feelings will disappear forever -- it just means you'll feel miserable for as long as possible before giving up on this person.
Oh, and one more thing: I'm sorry to say this, but "being friends" doesn't work either. You can dump him and be "just friends", but sooner or later, you'll find yourself back in the same relationship again. At least if you don't love him, you won't get hurt when he dumps you again.
So how can you tell whether someone loves you or not? You'll never know if your partner loves you or not -- but I know how to describe what they're thinking from the little things that happen around them.
The moment your partner starts smiling at another woman, it's all over for the two of you. If she smiles at other men and shows no interest in spending time with him, then she's still interested. Her act of smiling back isn't a calculated decision to manipulate you -- it's a simple biological response to their natural attraction. If a woman smiles at you and her boyfriend, she's thinking something along the lines of
"Yeah, he's cute, but he's not for me."
At the same time, if your partner only ever shows interest in other women when she talks to you, it means she finds somebody else more attractive than you. She might argue that it doesn't mean anything -- but when someone genuinely loves someone, they'll feel attracted to that person regardless of anything else. At the same time, they won't feel attracted by anyone else.
You'll never have to worry about whether someone likes you or not -- all you have to do is watch for these kinds of things. When you realize what she's thinking, it'll be much easier to decide between staying with her or leaving.
Suddenly, I felt sorry for everyone who took my advice on how to fall in love naturally. They try their best to attract another person, but their efforts are wasted because they don't know what it means to love! Love is a natural thing -- if it doesn't exist between two people, then there's no point in creating a relationship that can never happen. The problem is that people think they must try their best to "love" someone they don't know. How can you expect to love someone else if you can't love yourself?
Love is a natural thing, but it cannot be forced. It'll work only if you know how to make it work by thinking that you need to be "perfect" and "beautiful" or whatever -- it's just a way of avoiding dealing with reality and being honest with yourself. When your partner tells you that "it doesn't matter what I look like, " she means that she's not the kind of person for whom looks are essential in the first place.
So how should you attract someone? Forget about yourself and talk to them about what they like. It's that simple. If she enjoys movies, try watching a few movies with her -- don't spend the time talking about yourself or why you can't watch a movie. If she likes sports, try to play with her (or at least learn to talk about it).
Love is something you can't control -- if it hits, it hits, and that's the end. You don't have any control over who falls in love with you and who doesn't -- if two people have found each other, then they'll realize this secret on their own.
They tell you all the time that love is a natural thing, but all I hear is people telling me how hard it is to find another person. The only reason so many people find it hard to fall in love or have a relationship is that they believe "people have to be perfect." If they can't find someone perfect, they won't settle for less -- and then they spend the rest of their lives searching for someone who isn't real.
People don't realize that everything has a natural solution -- you can have a relationship with the person you want without having to struggle through life to make it work. It's just a case of knowing how to make things happen.
When someone is perfect for you, they'll find a way to let you know. They don't need to search for your love because they'll never leave you alone until you realize the truth about life. Your job as someone who wants love is to learn how to make that happen. There's no way you can know how long it will take or whether it will ever happen -- because it's just not something you can control. But once it happens, you'll never have to worry about nurturing a relationship because it'll just work naturally.
So stop worrying about the person you want, and start working on yourself. There's no way for you to know their feelings until they tell you -- so forget about them and focus on yourself instead. Once you have a clear vision of what you're thinking, there won't be anything that stands in your way of getting happiness.
If you want a relationship, then start working on yourself. It's the most important thing you can do in life because the only person ever to realize that perfect person is yourself. Just sit down and learn how to love yourself better. If you don't know how to be happy, no one else will ever give it to you!
My advice here is simple: Don't overthink about anyone else and learn how to love yourself instead. As long as you find someone with the same interests, how they look won't matter. After all, if you wanted to be with someone who would change your life radically, you wouldn't go with somebody with the same interests as you anyway!
Love is a natural thing -- if it's not there, leave them and find someone else. Don't force yourself to be with someone who's not right for you to be in a relationship. If you're honest with yourself about happiness, then there's no way anybody can take that from you.
If you try being with someone who's not right for you, you might end up hurting yourself -- and that's just a waste of time. You're wasting your time trying to be with someone who doesn't make you happy. If you're feeling unhappy about the relationship, ask yourself why. There's only one reason why people get sick of their partners: because they have a life that doesn't fit together with their partner's needs and views!
What must you do if there's something wrong with the relationship where both partners are unhappy? Ask yourself whether this person is right for you. Once you get to know a person better, you'll be able to answer that question definitively.
So don't worry about someone who doesn't know how to love -- stop wasting time on relationships that won't work out and learn how to love yourself instead! If you can find a partner who's interested in the same things as you, then there's no reason why your partnership should ever end. So start working on your feelings and stop trying hard to find a partner. You'll only need to do this once in your life, so make sure it happens for the right reasons. Don't waste your time on silly relationships.
You can try to talk to someone all you want, but the only person that can tell you how they feel is yourself. Don't worry about the person you want to be with; love yourself first and then focus on finding a partner who thinks the same way as you do.
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