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"Either you run the day or the day runs you."
We all know someone who is in control of their life. They wake up early, never miss a workout, and seem to be going strong no matter what life throws at them. Even when things are tough, they keep plugging away until the job is done, and it's back to the grindstone. Sure, we could all stand to be better like that person — but why? What are we so afraid of?
It turns out that there's a lot to fear from an unfulfilled life. If you don't accept care of yourself and continue growing as an individual, you're at risk of becoming one with the chair as time marches on. And while I'm all for a healthy work ethic, it's time to realize it's not enough.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
As author and psychologist-in-training David Burns put it: "Your choices, no matter how 'correct' or in line with your beliefs, can only lead you to where you are now. You are the sum of your experiences, good and bad, so learn from them and transform them into assets."
For some people, that means starting over. For others, it means waking up.
What Does "Waking Up" Mean?
Many people talk about "waking up," — but what do they mean exactly? In short, it means gaining control of your life and doing whatever it takes to live it on your terms. It can mean:
- Learning a new skill like cooking your food.
- Taking a language class.
- Applying for a job.
It is making a significant change, like moving to another city, changing jobs, or ending a relationship that isn't working for you. It can look like setting goals or exploring passions that make you happy and fulfilled.
No matter what you look like on the outside, the fire within cases most in the long run.
"I always tell young players, if you're lucky enough to do this for a living, then do things that make you happy and fulfilled. Go out and enjoy your life! Don't be afraid of being young or happy. Because guess what? If you're not happy playing hockey, you won't be very good at it." – Mike Modano.
Everybody has something they'd like to wake up to one day, but something is still holding them back. Maybe they don't have enough money saved, or perhaps they're afraid of losing their status quo. Maybe they aren't ready to share their past or have their real name reflected in the press.
Whatever it is, if you're not taking steps to wake up, you're just postponing the inevitable. And while there's nothing wrong with giving yourself time to grow and mature, that doesn't mean it has to come at the expense of your happiness.
The Art of Waking Up
So how do we wake up? Based on my experience in life and from working with thousands of students over the years, six things can help us wake up:
1. Realize you're going through a growth process; this is part of being human and accepting your true nature as an evolving individual.
2. Own your vulnerability and find the courage to feel it, acknowledge it, and work through it.
3. Admit when you're wrong but fight to use your skills and knowledge to improve instead of justifying what you're doing as the "right thing."
4. Never be afraid to share who you are as long as you know that what you share will help others learn, grow, or succeed.
5. Pursue your passion freely and without excuses — live on purpose instead of just surviving! If possible, do everything you can with your current abilities — and if not? Then do something else! Never give up, even if things don't always go according to plan.
6. Surround yourself with people who support you and believe in your potential; don't be afraid to put them before yourself because that's another form of love.
Life is all about waking up — but it's also about taking action when you're awake. So ask yourself: What do you want to wake up to? Then take the steps you need to get closer to your destination one small step at a time.
"I think that successful people usually have had a moment where they decided not to be afraid, not even for a moment, of being themselves in the world. They made that commitment right then, and it changed everything." – Julia Cameron.
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