"Never, never, never give up."

"Never, never, never give up."

"Never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill

The idea of giving up is in itself a daunting thought. Giving up your talents and playing it safe may seem like the logical option when it comes to achieving success, but you can't put a price on personal fulfilment. If you’re ready to face your fears and reach for your dreams then here are some tips to help you pursue that goal:

1. Engage in positive self-talk and visualize yourself reaching the desired goal 

2. Recognize which skills are necessary for success and prioritize them 

3. Seek support from friends or family members 

4. Always try your best and be proud of your efforts

6. Ask for help from those who are more experienced 

5. If you fail, do not get discouraged and learn from the experience

7. Practice makes perfect!

8. Surround yourself with positive people 

9. Set very clear, specific and attainable goals 

10. Focus on the positive results you can achieve with your efforts 

11. Eliminate the negative thoughts that stand in your way 

12. Be proactive and take some action today to move forward in your journey 

13. Never, never, never give up 

14. Feel the pride that comes from achieving your goals

16. Proofread - be sure your work is error-free and spell-checked 

17. Spend time between assignments to rest, relax and reflect on how you can improve for the next assignment 

18. Give yourself a break if you need one - we all deserve it! 

19. Remember that every assignment has an important learning opportunity attached to it that will help you succeed in the future 

20. Remember that the importance of this course is not the assignment, but rather how you set about completing each assignment

21. Always try your best and be proud of your efforts. Sure, sometimes there will be frustrations, but keep focused on moving forward and doing your best.

22. Do not give up! Keep going even when you want to quit

23. Recognize which skills are necessary for success and prioritize them 

24. Seek support from friends or family members 

25. Always try your best and be proud of your efforts 

26. Practice makes perfect! 

27. Engage in positive self-talk and visualize yourself reaching the desired goal 

28. Remember that the importance of this course is not the assignment, but rather how you set about completing each assignment

"Never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill

The idea of giving up is in itself a daunting thought. Giving up your talents and playing it safe may seem like the logical option when it comes to achieving success, but you can't put a price on personal fulfillment. If you’re ready to face your fears and reach for your dreams then here are some tips to help you pursue that goal:

1. Engage in positive self-talk and visualize yourself reaching the desired goal 

2. Recognize which skills are necessary for success and prioritize them 

3. Seek support from friends or family members 

4. Always try your best and be proud of your efforts

6. Ask for help from those who are more experienced 

5. If you fail, do not get discouraged and learn from the experience

7. Practice makes perfect! 

8. Surround yourself with positive people 

9. Set very clear, specific and attainable goals 

10. Focus on the positive results you can achieve with your efforts 

11. Eliminate the negative thoughts that stand in your way 

12. Be proactive and take some action today to move forward in your journey 

"Never, never, never give up."

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