Entrepreneurs May Have Irritating Syndrome SASS
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Forget overpriced schools, long days in a crowded classroom, and pitifully poor results. These websites and apps cover myriads of science, art, and technology topics. They will teach you practically anything, from making hummus to building apps in node.js, most of them for free. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to master a new skill, expand your knowledge, or eventually boost your career with confidence! You can learn interactively at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. I promise you, there are no losers in this world.
Before I loved the Internet, and I really mean I loved it. It was one of the greatest inventions of all time. We had been together for years, but now we're about to get married! Not only did we enjoy our newfound relationship, but it also brought us amazing new experiences that would improve our lives drastically. Fast forward 20 years from 1996 to 2012 and from a personal computer to even greater things like smart phones and the cloud, which has transformed our culture and life itself; the Internet has become one of the most influential inventions in history.
All of us have become the main beneficiaries of this life-changing tool, but some of us have done even more than just making use of it. We have become part of it. We are now building it as much as we are using it. I can't even imagine what my life would be without the Internet and all that it has offered me since I turned 21; over the years I've had my share of ups and downs with technology, but gradually learned how to overcome any obstacle that might come my way, by either avoiding its worst parts or by overcoming them and moving on.
Technology is a powerful tool that is being used by more and more people every day with the same goal in mind: to build a better future. And it's not only the IT sector that is driving this rapid development. More and more entrepreneurs and startups have also come up with new ideas that are changing the way we do things, reinventing our lives, and bringing us all together. The Internet has changed our society in countless ways; I couldn't agree more with Forbes' Guy Kawasaki when he said, "The Internet has forever changed the world".
Nowadays, when you have an idea for a start-up that can change the world, all you have to do is learn how to code, create a website and get it online. If you don't know how to code, all you have to do is hire someone who does. In a heartbeat your dream can become a reality and your small business can grow beyond anything that you thought possible. The Internet has truly democratized entrepreneurship! No matter who you are and where you live now, it doesn't take a lot of money or equipment; it's just the right moment at the right time.
Just look around and don't be amazed by all those new things that surround us. An incredible amount of independently-operating companies are being created everyday all over the world, and an ever-increasing number of them are using the Internet to reach their goals. Whether for the sole purpose of improving our lives by creating a new way to do things, or for making money from providing information we would have never known without it; many of the products that we use every single day have their origins in startups.
In this article I'm going to tell you how it happened: how I discovered entrepreneurship, why it's great, what kind of tricks I used to get started as a young entrepreneur and how other people can do the same thing. It's a story that I have lived and someone else has written, so you don't have to take my word for it. It's a story about how we all can discover what it takes to start an Internet business, how we can use the Internet successfully to reach our goals, and how we can do it from anywhere in the world.
As suggested by Wikipedia, "Entrepreneurship is the process of creating new enterprises or working to improve existing ones." Although the word "entrepreneurship" has been around in English since the early 1600s, today's definition has broadened considerably. Nowadays, no profession would be complete without its share of entrepreneurs; this is why so many people are now aspiring to become entrepreneurs. It has become the new "hip" thing to do.
Seeing how this is such a hot topic, I thought I could help you out by putting together some facts about entrepreneurship for you to ponder about. For example: did you know that:
1. The percentage of self-employed varies around the world, but it is not that big in any given country. The US had 14% of self-employment in 2006, the UK had 9%, Finland had 8%, and Norway had 7%. According to OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Belgium has over 20% of its population being entrepreneurs, while others such as Austria, Denmark and Germany have 15%.
2. It's not only startups that are being created more often; they are also found in more and more large enterprises. Today, it is estimated that the majority of all new jobs are created by start-ups. In many industries, such as music and media, there are over 100 start-ups competing against each other to gain market share.
3. The Internet has helped create new opportunities for entrepreneurs all over the world; for example in China where Internet users outnumber people on a national level (1 Million vs. 1.3 Billion on a country level) and the Chinese Internet is expanding at an incredible rate; or in Brazil, where Internet use has grown by 18% in 2011 and 44% in 2012.
4. In the United States, it was only around 10 years ago that anyone who had a computer at home could easily create their own business without any startup capital and without having to go through a costly training program. Today there are over 4 million small businesses in the US that are all registered as independent entrepreneurs (The American Small Business Administration).
The key to entrepreneurship is the Internet. There is no way around it, and you can't get by without it. So, what do you think? Can Internet entrepreneurs become successful without it? Or is it necessary for any attempt at starting a business? I'm pretty sure that we aren't going to find out until someone actually does one of these things. The answer might not be simple and conclusive and there are probably many ways out there where one of these would fail without the other; but I hope that some light is shed on this by this article, which I hope will inspire many people to create a new business idea, learn how to code or utilize the Internet in the easiest way possible and get online.
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