8 Tips to Help You Become a Networking Guru!


 8 Tips to Help You Become a Networking Guru!

For many people, networking can be a nerve-wracking experience. Figuring out what to say and how to act when meeting new people can be hard. But with these simple tips, you'll discover that networking not only becomes less daunting, but also more rewarding! In this article you'll find recommendations on ways to network like a pro.

Check out these 8 Tips To Help You Become A Networking Guru!

This article offers 8 helpful tips for anyone who is interested in developing their networking skills or just wants better connections at work and in life.

Tip #1: Go to Networking Events

First and foremost, it's important to realize that networking is a two-way street – you have to put yourself out there in order to gain! Networking events are a great way to start putting yourself out there because you can meet a variety of people who are all in the same boat as you. There will be people who want connections with others and businesses, those who feel uncomfortable about making the first move themselves and want support, those looking for advice on how to get more business or become better at their own job, etc.

Tip #2: Don't be Intimidated

Intimidation is one of the biggest reasons why people don't get to know others. You've probably seen this phrase on a sign or heard it in an interview – "I'm not good with people." This is the biggest problem of all and the reason why so many professional (or otherwise stellar) people, who could be great networkers, fail to make that first connection. They're too intimidated to even start out.

Tip #3: Make it Easy For Others To Connect With You... Your Connections Are In Your Network's Hands

Human beings are social creatures – we want to feel connected. After all, a vast majority of us feel lonely during the course of a day...and so it's essential to make it easy for others to connect with you. When other people in your network see that you're open to trying new things and new ideas they'll be more likely to "pull" you into some social activities in turn. Most people are naturally drawn towards others who are friendly and outgoing so by being friendly yourself, you'll be letting them know that it's safe for them to approach you.

Tip #4: Bring Your A-Game

In order to network with confidence you need to have your "A-game" on. This doesn't mean that you need to be super outgoing, just a bit more than usual. You don't want to come across as fake, but rather as someone simply who is willing to try new things and take chances – someone who is a little bit braver than the average person. The key to this is to show that you're not afraid to get out in the world and do things that inspire others.

Tip #5: Practice, Practice, Practice

The most effective way to improve your networking skills is by having a regular practice routine. It doesn't matter how much experience you have or how good your connections are – it's important that you take time each day to go out and make connections with people. It's very easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget about networking altogether. But as I'm sure you've experienced at one time or another, there's one person who manages to creep into our lives once every few months whom we end up knowing more than anyone else...they're that great! And that's because they have a networking habit.

Tip #6: Be Flexible... Don't Be Afraid To Change Your Plans

One of the biggest problems with networking is making a solid plan or commitment to someone and then turning around and showing up at their house 30 minutes late. This is a huge deal breaker for many people – those who do this frequently, especially those who have bad networkers on their team, often find themselves losing business over the course of time.

When you make plans with someone, keep in mind that you can always change your mind. If you've made plans with someone, but something more important comes up, don't be afraid to change your plans. It's all about showing respect for others and making sure that your relationship is a two-way street (and not focusing too much on your own agenda.)

Tip #7: Don't Talk About Yourself... Show Others You Care By Listening

Contrary to popular belief, it's not all about you! In fact, if you really want to develop good networking skills; then listening will be one of the most important things you need to do. You can tell that someone is truly good at networking by their ability to listen.

Always remember that if you're going to be able to make connections with others, it's essential that you show people that you care first. If you can demonstrate your desire to connect and create a meaningful relationship, then the other person will want to connect with you in turn.

Tip #8: Don't Break The Ice... Add Value To Others!

One of the biggest mistakes we make when it comes to networking is starting off by trying to break the ice or make a joke. While these things may seem harmless, they actually do nothing but push people away from us. We need to start off by making other people feel comfortable around us. We need to build trust and establish ourselves as someone who is willing to listen and make things happen. This way they'll be more likely to share their ideas and be more receptive to yours.

A great way to make this happen is by bringing a gift with you! If you're meeting someone for the first time, then it's always a good idea to bring them a small gift of some kind. It can be something as simple as flowers or chocolates, or something like a bottle of wine that you know they'll enjoy. The point is that you show that you're someone who cares enough to care about them.

Tip #9: Practice Makes Perfect... Ok, Not Really, But It Works!

Practice makes perfect. This is the real reason why we've got the results we have at work and why professionals are able to make connections like a BOSS in their industry. They know how to make it look effortless. They do NOT walk up to someone, tell them they're great, and then spend the whole time talking about themselves. They know how to build rapport... they don't just walk up, say hello and then leave as quickly as possible because "they don't want to take up their time.


If you really want to be a good networker, then you need to start off by putting yourself out there. You need to cultivate relationships with others, even if they're of little value to you or your business right now. Practice will help you get better results and over time, if you really keep at it, those small connections will be the ones that help pay your bills.

While networking may seem like an intimidating proposition at first, just remember – it's like riding a bike. The more times you do it - the easier it gets.

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