A Good Squeeze Is Hard To Find


 A Good Squeeze Is Hard To Find

We've all been there, right? You're at a party, the most recent episode of your favorite show is playing on the TV in the background, you're scrolling through Instagram and it's just not cutting it. It can get pretty rough out there when you feel like all your options for entertainment are lame.

Don't fret; we've got a list of five awesome activities that will help to tide you over until your next go-round on Netflix! These games should get you up and moving if nothing else! Check out our list below: 
1) Egg Roulette: This one is always good for a laugh. Take a dozen eggs from the fridge, and pour them into a bowl. Now, flip the bowl over and crack all twelve eggs onto the floor. The goal is to make it from egg to egg without breaking any!

2) Trip Fetch: Start off with a tripwire. Tie two heavy books or two stones together to create a long tripwire about three feet high. Now, have someone hide behind one of the items you're tying together and stand near the other end of it. Up above, give yourself enough slack to move freely out in front of your target while still playing guard (or "fetch"!).
3) Mirror Dance: Put a large mirror in the middle of the floor, facing away from you. Hide behind a wall or around a corner and watch as your friends attempt to recreate whatever dance moves you make in front of the mirror, but with much worse results!
4) Staring Contest: You may want to go easy on the eyes for this one. Start off by dividing yourselves into two teams. Then, line up and stare at each other from across the room. The winner is determined by whoever is first to laugh or look away.
5) Padiddle: Take two pieces of paper and draw a small padlock on each one. Now, write a word on each one and have the players without pens roll them along the paper to figure out which lock belongs on which piece of paper. You can even swap the words around to keep things interesting!
What's your favorite activity to play in the middle of nothing? Have you ever tried any of these before? Let us know in the comments below!
-Madeleine @madein_amsterdam 
I love this! It's just like Padiddle but with two small pieces of paper instead of one big one. Illustrate a story about two kids trying to get their own padlock together, or maybe something silly and random. You could easily do a whole series of these and get everyone's imagination going. I will definitely be attempting this with my kids during our next sleepover! -Madeline @madeline_love_urple
I've been looking for something to play at parties like these and I think this would be it! It's a little bit different than padiddle, which is great because it makes things a little more fun and less serious. I love how you guys are always coming up with new games! -Becca @becca.goner
I've got something to tell you guys: You're my favorite blog. So much of what I do as a host is centered around games, and most of them are things I've seen myself but I don't know their names (or even worse, don't know that they have names) so I can't Google them and actually learn about them (and then teach them to my own guests). Thank you for all the DIY games you've shared, and all the game-related fun you've experienced! -Maggie @maggiesaurusrex
I have so many friends who are crafty, but I haven't gotten to any of them as much as I should have so this is perfect. Sometimes when we're at parties or during sleepovers, one person might have paint or yarn or other crafting stuff but no idea how to use it. This is a great way to get them involved and have fun with it! -Megan @allisongiovanni
This is absolutely perfect for parties! It's a game that everyone can play, no matter what kind of skills they have. It's also great because you can mix it up by switching the objects around to keep things from getting too routine. This is one that I will never be without! -Caitlin @caitlinrose12
There are so many different ways to play this! You could change the shape, you could use colors, or you could even have them guess words. I love how versatile this game is and how everyone can participate, even if they're not super creative in the thinking department. -Katie @_toastytoast
A good squeeze is hard to find...
Eh. I get it, but it's not really my style. I'm totally into weird and wacky stuff, but this one just didn't do it for me. -Ryan   @ryanherman1
I've always liked egg roulette and this variant uses a creative way to make it more interesting. Bonus: more material to work with! -Jake
One of the best parts of my childhood was the time we would spend reading through books together as a family.

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We've spent quite a bit of time this week in our writing groups and I can tell you, it feels good. The passing of time is just accelerated when you have people to share it with, so that's one great thing about these groups. Tonight's was no exception; we'll be getting together at 5:30 for another evening of writing and creativity. It's always fun to let go and focus on something that isn't real.

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