A Moving Experience


 A Moving Experience

We’ve all had those moments in life where we have to move house and with this comes the inevitable stress of packing, sorting, and cleaning all the things you spent years accumulating. In this blog post we will share our best tips for how to make that process easier and more refreshing 

Now that you know who we are, let us tell you a little about what we do. We love design so much that it influences everything around us. From how we dress in the morning to how furniture is arranged in our homes - everything has a story behind it. Well, one day we decided that it was about time we pursued our passion and started to create our own products.
That’s how we came up with the idea of Mismöbile - beautiful products that are easy to move around and store.
We don’t believe in following trends so we create furniture that is both timeless yet contemporary, design-led but functional.
We founded Mismöbile 4 years ago and during this time we’ve worked hard to find the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. We want to create innovative furniture for people who want to do things better. We want to change the way people think about moving house by turning this experience into an enjoyable one. We want to make your life easier and more beautiful.
So, we’ve created a team of designers and professionals with the goal of combining functionality and aesthetics in one product. This is how we’ve managed to create Mismöbile - furniture that is designed for real life, inspired by Scandinavian design and made using the newest technologies in order to create flexible furniture that fits your needs.
We’re proud to say that we have created a team of 50 highly experienced people who all share the same passion.
Our company is growing rapidly and we have recently moved into 13,000 sq ft of factory space. So, now it’s time to start thinking about how we’re going to move our entire production from the temporary office at YAL Campus to our new home in Salford Quays.
So why did we decide to move? The answer is simple - Manchester was too big for us. The logistics of moving everything to the new factory would have been a nightmare. Our sales have grown by over 200% in the last year and we need to be able to expand our growing team and production. So it was time for us to move.
We've had a lot of questions about who will help us pack up all our office furniture and why Mismöbile is called Mismöbile. We thought we’d answer these questions here: 
1) How are you going to do it? We contacted several companies that help businesses move and packed their offices for them. We thought long and hard about whether to do this or use a professional moving company. We came up with a plan to not only move everything but also pack it carefully and store it in the warehouse for a few months until we need it. This way, we’ll have plenty of time to set everything up before we start production in the new factory next week. 2) Why did you choose Mismöbile as your name? We went through several other names at first but none of them felt right. Alex was taking his dog out one day and heard someone shouting “mismöbile!” This was how we came up with our name. Are we dyslexic? Maybe. But it’s just a coincidence, we swear! 3) What has the move been like? It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster ride but nothing that’s completely surprising. We were expecting this and so we were mentally prepared for any changes that may occur. We have had some minor equipment problems with the truck but it didn’t affect us too much and it’s all sorted now. We've also had some traffic issues caused by contractors and factories on roads which has meant our move was delayed. However, we were clearly forewarned about this and so have no complaints.
We have found that our moving experience has been quite exciting and it’s been nice to get a little break from work. Thinking about the move has made us reflect on the amazing journey we’ve been on with Mismöbile so far. We’re proud of what we have done with Mismöbile because it's been hard work, but most importantly, fun! 
It’s also made us think about all of the things that our customers and followers around the world have helped us achieve. We will always remember our first online order for a sofa bed and how that was more than 3 years ago.
Since then we have grown into a company that makes, designs and sells its own products. Honestly, none of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for all of you. Thank you for believing in our brand and for supporting us in everything we do! 
Like any moving business, we have some tips on how to make your move as easy and stress free as possible:
Make a list of everything you own - including the value of each item. This will help you decide on how much packing materials to buy. We suggest buying as many large boxes as possible to fit all your items inside. Then label and cover each box with bubble wrap or moving blankets so they are nice and safe. The best way to pack would be to pack everything first and then label the boxes with the appropriate name. Finally, find space in your new home for all your stuff!
You can buy paper storage boxes from Ikea that are cheaper than moving boxes. To make them easier to carry, we suggest wrapping them and putting tape around the handles. We have used these since we started setting up our new factory and they have helped us not only save money but also made moving a lot easier.

Moving is both exciting and stressful. It can be even harder when you don't know what to do or where to start. So I thought I would share with you the top 5 tips that will help make your move stress free and easy: Everything starts with a plan
A plan for each step of the moving process will make it easier for you to make decisions along the way. When packing, label each box with a name so that it's easy for people who help you move. Ensure that you receive as much help as possible from friends and family, or from professional movers. There are actually many moves where people have been asked to save money by doing things themselves without professional help.

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