Psychological Training


 Psychological Training

It's no secret that fitness is a hot topic right now. But did you know that there are ways to keep your mind fit as well? Learning how to handle stress, stop panic attacks before they happen and manage anxiety can help you be more productive and successful in all aspects of life.

Psychological training can include anything from cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness meditation, and hypnotherapy to the Feldenkrais Method and Alexander Technique. The possibilities are endless! And this post will set you on the right path towards discovering what might work for you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps people learn how to deal with both the negative thoughts and the anxiety they create. CBT is mostly done in a therapist's office and includes exploring current behaviours, thoughts and feelings, developing understanding of what causes our worries, identifying sources of irrational thinking and discovering new ways of thinking that are more productive. The goal is to change your thought patterns so that you have more control over your emotions. This skill can transfer over into daily life meaning you can handle stress better, develop confidence and feel happier overall. CBT is a great place to get started.

Mindfulness Meditation
Despite its name, mindfulness meditation is not about being mindful of your breathing, but rather, being mindful in all aspects of life. When you meditate regularly, you teach yourself to focus on the present moment—what's happening around you and within you. When you do that, you have more power to decide how to respond to situations. You also learn how to let go of old habits and thoughts that no longer serve a purpose in your life so that you can be fully present. The goal is not only for mental health benefits, but for physical health as well. If you're feeling anxious, this technique can help you relax. You'll feel happier about yourself and more confident with the world around you.

Over the years, hypnosis has been used to treat a wide variety of issues including anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and weight loss. It's a form of self-hypnosis that allows the person to focus on their own thoughts and increase the power of their subconscious mind. The therapist guides the patient through hypnotic language or imagery in order to stimulate a state similar to sleep. The idea is that these focal points enter into a person's unconscious mind and change their perception of reality (just like it already happens when we're dreaming). That they're able to achieve this while fully conscious is amazing.

Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique, also known as the "Alexander method", is a system of body awareness and muscle re-education that works on improving posture, reducing muscle tension and helping to develop the ability to cope better with life's pressures. The good news is that it doesn't cost much to try it out and it can be used for both physical and mental stress.

Feldenkrais Method – Awareness Through Movement
The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movements, mostly done on the floor, as a way to cultivate awareness in oneself. The idea is that if you can become more aware of your body then you'll be able to improve your posture, balance and coordination skills and even minimize pain. These lessons are designed for use by those who have experienced strokes, brain injuries or general health problems that prevent them from moving with ease and confidence. They've also been used successfully by athletes looking to optimize their performance and get rid of habits or physical injuries that are holding them back.

Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Hypnotherapy and meditation are great resources for learning how to relax. If you're dealing with stress and anxiety, you may also want to consider Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, yoga or pilates.

This post is sponsored by East Coast Fitness. East Coast Fitness (ECF) is a fitness facility with top-quality personal trainers in the Halifax area. With over 20 years experience as a successful personal training business, ECF knows how to help people reach their health and wellness goals and become motivated to maintain them long-term.

Go to ECF's website, like them on Facebook, follow them on Instagram and follow them on Twitter!

All the best,



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Learning how to relax is never easy, but it's important not to get too stressed out about it. You might not be able to easily and immediately change your thinking, but with a little bit of effort and research, you'll be on your way to better mental health and physical health. And in the end you'll have so much more reason to smile and enjoy your life!

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SNAPSHOT by – Amber Durbin is a regular contributor for Evening Under the Stars (www.eveningut and works as a Marketing Coordinator for Online Business Systems Incorporated (OBSI).

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