Train Your Customers to Think of You First
Every business should want to be their customer’s first choice. So why are so many companies still struggling to do just that?
According to research, it’s because these businesses don’t have a firm grasp on how the brain works. Once you know that, you can create advertising campaigns and promotions with confidence and get more customers in the door. But before we go any further, we need to dive into some of the psychology behind why customers choose what they do - and how understanding this will make your advertising much more effective.
Here's Why Your Customers Will Always Choose Your Competition
In our minds, we tend to choose the thing that's familiar and easy - even though it may not be the best option in terms of quality. This tendency is explained by two known psychological processes: loss aversion and status quo bias.
Loss aversion is a term that describes the emotional reaction we feel when we lose something or don’t get something. It’s driven by the fear of missing out (FOMO). For example, if your Facebook feed is suddenly filled with ads from Amazon, you might get worried about missing out on something cool you saw on there recently. So you may decide to check it out, even though you know buying things online isn’t the best way to save money.
Status quo bias, on the other hand, refers to the tendency of people to like things they're familiar with, even if they're not necessarily the best choice in terms of quality. We may choose a burger joint because we know all the menu items and their prices. But if a new restaurant opens up down the road from us that offers higher-quality burgers but only has four menu items, we'll still eat at our go-to comfort food stop instead - especially if it's what we've always done.
How to Get Customers to Think of You First
When dealing with the loss aversion and status quo bias, it's all about getting customers to change their default. Once you can do that, you're giving your business a huge leg up over the competition. Here are a few strategies to help make that happen...
1. Make your customer's life easier. One of the best ways to do this is by offering free shipping, especially on large purchases - customers love free stuff!
2. Be consistent with your messaging. Be careful not to overdo it though - too much repetition may actually backfire and have customers tune out your advertising.
3. Keep things fresh. We all like change, so if you can offer new or updated products and services on a regular basis, you'll keep customers interested and coming back for more.
4. Be top-of-mind when customers need to make a purchase. Do this by making it easy for them to find your business online and through advertising. This will let them know that your business is available when they need it.
5. Offer a money-back guarantee. This strategy ensures that customers have nothing to lose if they're not satisfied, so you'll see a lot of sales and repeat business from those who take advantage of this offer.
Ready to make all your customers the top choice? Give us a call today at 407-269-2763 to get started! We’re ready to start building your business with new and updated marketing campaigns right away! Or, fill out an online form to request more information. You can also download our free guide through the form on this page.
Don’t wait another minute to start attracting more customers - contact us today!
Title: Untapped Revenue Opportunities in 2019-2022
Article by: Prakaash Bhatnagar, CEO of WSO2, Inc. (A Red Hat Company)
In this article, I will describe WSO2's journey in the last decade and the importance of open source from a strategic perspective. I will also share how our commitment to open source leads us to create innovative products and results in significant revenues.
A Journey of Open Source Successes
In the previous decade, WSO2 went through several major transformations as an organization. When I founded WSO2 in 2003, there were two of us who started the company with a $100,000 investment. Since then, we've grown to almost 200 employees across three continents. We've also transitioned from a small, startup-like organization to a mature open source business with more than 100 customers around the world, regularly engaged in joint R&D activities with them.
The company has also changed its focus from software development to open source software. We now focus on defining solutions for enterprises and make our solutions available under open source licenses such as Apache License 2.0, the most popular open source license worldwide. We are updating our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products to Apache License 2.0 along with a multitude of open source components and services such as WSO2 Identity, WSO2 Application Server and WSO2 AWS Cloud Provider services. We also provide third party tools including CloudFoundry (formerly Pivotal Web Services), containers like Docker, Kubernetes and Helm charts so developers can leverage our integrated platform for container operations in their application lifecycle.
What's Next?
When I look back, I realize that WSO2's journey has been extremely exciting and impactful. However, it is just the beginning. WSO2's journey is not about being a company that focuses on creating products and making money. It is about building great software with customers and partners that converts into success for our customers and us. The opportunity to be part of this evolution continues to excite me as the CEO of WSO2.
In this article, we will learn how we can use Spark streaming with Zeppelin in order to process live data streams in real time.
In this article, we learned how to use Spark streaming with Zeppelin in order to process live data streams in real time. We hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to join the discussion below!
Title: Explore MongoDB with Zeppelin (Part 2)
Article by: Prakaash Bhatnagar, CEO of WSO2 and CTO of WSO2
In this article, we will continue exploring Zeppelin's power by creating a MongoDB notebook together. You should have completed the previous article in this series that showed us how to create a MongoDB notebook; if not, then I recommend reading it before continuing here.
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