10 Tips for Using Instant Messaging for Business
Instant messaging has become an essential tool in the business world. Some of the most effective companies use instant messaging to improve efficiency and get more done. With that being said, there's no surprise that many students are looking for ways to use instant messaging like pro bosses. To help you get through your peers and form lasting connections while you study, these 10 tips will make sure you don't fall behind on any social media conversation.
1) Get a free account: A free account is one of the main factors that makes it easier to connect with people because they don't need to log in or create an account first. A lot of times when you create an account, it requires you enter a lot of personal information. This extra step often turns people off from using a new service. So don't make your audience take an extra step during the initial meeting.
2) Be friendly: Don't be pushy with the sales pitch. In the business world, instant messaging can sometimes be seen as intrusive because it allows businesses to get in touch with their customers even when they don't want them to (e.g., after hours). However, there are ways to make your IMs seem more personal and less intimidating.
3) Make sure it's clear that you're a student: It's important to make sure your contacts know you're a student because some people will be hesitant to talk to you, thinking that you are self-centered or bored. Keep in mind that regardless of the age of your contacts and peers, everyone was once a student!
4) Take part in relevant conversations: if someone talks about something they love or hate, don't just drop into the conversation with a random unsolicited link. If they mention an event, product or topic you're interested in, connect with them and find out more about it. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to make friends with people who like similar things that you do.
5) Engage in conversations for follow ups: If someone mentions an event, product or topic you're interested in, take a minute to engage in the conversation and find out more about it. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to make friends with people who like similar things that you do.
6) Be engaging: Many students have a hard time engaging in IM conversations because they feel self-conscious or uncertain of what to talk about. The easiest way to overcome this constraint is by asking open-ended questions that will get your contacts thinking and talking. For example, you can ask them about the funniest prank they pulled during their teenage years or what their favorite cartoon character is.
7) Engage in group chats: If someone mentions an event, product or topic you're interested in, take a minute to engage in the conversation and find out more about it. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to make friends with people who like similar things that you do. Most instant messaging services allow groups to have private conversations within the service (e.g., Google Hangouts). If your contacts are all members of the same group chat, that's a great place for private conversations as well.
8) Fall into conversations: To overcome the self-consciousness that often happens in IM conversations, try to fall into conversations by asking questions every now and then. This will make you less awkward and strange, especially if your contacts have a background in the same field or study group as you.
9) Stay focused on your contacts: If you're too busy to take part in an IM conversation, don't focus on responding to other students. Instead, just focus on one or two students and make sure that you're taking part in their IM conversations regularly. Then, watch out for other students within this group who may be seeking new friends from within the same group chat or class.
10) Be selective about your contacts: The biggest mistake students make when using instant messaging for business or socializing is that they contact way too many people. In the business world, your contacts need to be selective about who they talk to, so you should be too. You should also make sure that the students you're trying to talk to are of the same age group as you are and at the same educational level. If they're senior to you or younger than you, then they're probably not going to want a conversation with you until they get to know you more.
Written by: Dennis Yang, B.A. of Rosemead High School in Rosemead, CA
Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/92415406@N06/259591195/
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IM_1.jpg [ARTICLE END] -- 10 Tips for Using Instant Messaging for Business By Dennis Yang, B.A., Rosemead High School in Rosemead, CA Article Source: 10 Tips for Using Instant Messaging for Business : Study Hacks – The best studying tips from around the Web . [Accessed 09 November 2010] http://www.
The power of instant messaging can't be denied. It's a powerful tool that should be used consciously and with awareness. Please don't just add anyone and everyone to your contact list; this is how 'spam' is sent out. It's also important to realize that once you've started a conversation, you must continue it until completion - There is no 'logging out.' If your conversation partner has logged off due to an emergency, contact them off-line (e.g., on their cell phone or email) and make sure they know that the conversation isn't finished yet.
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