3 Ways to Create a Steady Cash Stream while You Work from Home


 3 Ways to Create a Steady Cash Stream while You Work from Home

You know what sucks? Having a day job that you need to commute to, and being exhausted all the time. I can't tell you how many nights I've slept for only three or four hours because of work. That's why I created these 3 ways to create a steady cash stream while you work from home.
I'm going to give you the step by step process of how I turned $1000 into $7000 while I worked from home. The goal of this post is to give you a thorough overview of how to make money while working from home.
So as you can see, I took the BSU (Big Bad Boss) approach to working from home. If that sounds like an oxymoron then just keep reading.
Let's get started...
The first thing I did was start a blog (it's hosted on wordpress for free). In April of 2012, I was able to make $200 from the blog. Yup, that's not a typo. The next month I did it again and made $150 for the month.
That's when I figured out what to do with my time when my boss wasn't looking.
The next thing on my to-do list was to figure out what type of apps built an online income. Here's the three apps that I used (in order of how much money they made me).
My friend Stu was making a full time income with these three apps. In fact, he told me to stop using these apps because he was making more money than I was.
I made the decision to stick with these three apps despite my friend's advice. He, like many of us, assumed that I would find a better app to work with so I decided to learn everything I could and build the best version of my own version of each app.
Here are the three apps that I built:
1) Affiliate Marketing [$500] – Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of online income generation . It involves placing ads on other websites and earning a commission for every sale/lead generated by those ads.
I had no idea about this when I first started out. After a lot of trial and error, I was able to make $500 from affiliate marketing. The main issue with affiliate marketing is that you don't know what products are going to be popular until after the ads have been published online.
2) Build an App [~$5000] – Building an app is the best way to earn money online but it's also the most difficult for a beginner. In order to make good money with an app, you have to put a significant amount of time into it. The first thing I did was buy a book called Think and Make Apps ($16 on Amazon). This was a good book to start with and helped me build my app.
The problem is that I couldn't stay focused on the book and on building my app. This is because I had a full time job and needed to work at home in order to make money. I ended up spending way too much time working on other things instead of building this app (despite my best intentions).
3) Blog [~$1000] – My blog relies solely on affiliate marketing as well as other methods. Over the next few months, I made $150 from my blog ($100 from affiliate marketing, $50 from promoting apps). This is not a lot of money but if you do it long enough, it can add up.
What I did next was focus on building my blog into the best affiliate marketing blog out there (with the hopes of earning a decent living from affiliate marketing). My goal is to make $5000+ per month with my blog in addition to making $1000/month through affiliate marketing as well as other methods.
My goal with these 3 ways to create a steady cash stream while you work from home was to create an income that does not require me to commute and be exhausted at the end of the day. I wanted an income that can be done from the comfort of my own home with no boss.
In order to do that, I needed to spend time working on each one of these methods (from least profitable to most profitable). This strategy took some time, but it was totally worth it.
The best part about building a business from home is that you can work when you want and where you want. The second best part is getting paid more than your lazy-ass coworkers who are stuck in their cubicles.
Good luck building your own steady cash stream while you work from home! [END ARTICLE]
So how do YOU make money while working from home? The comment section below is waiting for your answer! Thanks for reading :)
Btw..I'm more into the affiliate marketing side of things now...I will never use any of the apps again. I'm more into PPC and other adsense type stuff...hope this helps.
I want to thank you for sharing your experience with me. I also wanted to say thank you for being successful in this business because it is so hard for people like me who are starting out and need advice on how to make money writing online..
Hey Jakob,
Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences and thoughts! I think one of the best things that can happen when we start to build our own businesses is just getting some real life experience about what works well and what doesn't.
I appreciate your honest and clear feedback, I think you're spot on in some of the main points you're making. I also agree that affiliate marketing seems like the most viable option for people starting out.
Thanks again for stopping by to leave a comment! Feel free to check out my latest post: $300 from AdSense in 72 Hours .
I finally pulled my finger out and got off my ass to do something about making money online. I started building an application and then quickly realized it would be easier to buy one; so I bought an app which cost around $1000 and built it up over time to make $5000/month.

Conclusion So that's the end of my journey into building my own business and earning extra cash on the side. I'm very happy with the results and I'm hoping to earn a decent living in the future with this. All of these methods worked for me, but I cannot guarantee that they will work for you as well, since these are all my efforts, all I can tell you is what worked for me . Where are you going to start? What's your plan?
Let me help you figure out how to get started using this method. 1) Create a blog 2) Build an app 3) Use affiliate marketing 4) Build an online store You need money to do this right.

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