3 Women Starting A Small Business


 3 Women Starting A Small Business

Three women in my town, Judith, Charlotte and Molly, have recently decided to start their own business.

Judith has a clothing store and is also going to start selling pottery; Charlotte’s store will sell women’s clothing and shoes; Molly will sell handmade children’s clothes. All three of them are looking for new customers – if you live in the area, come on by!

You may want to read this article about how we made the decision: How We Decided To Run Our Own Businesses.

#9#Write an introduction for an instructive blog post titled "4 Tips for Getting a Book Published.”
#10#Write an introductory paragraph for a blog post about how to choose the best bra for your boobs.
#11#Describe how you would start a blog titled “How To Make Bread”, with a detailed introduction of the contents and at least 3 examples.
#12#Write a paragraph introducing an article on making money online. What topics will it cover, and what headlines will it have?
Draw up a summary of the above article, taking care to include all details.
A summary should be no more than three paragraphs long, using the same amount of information as given in the original article.
#13#Create 3 blog posts about different topics (e.g. how to make flour, how to write a good grant, etc.)
#14#Write an introductory paragraph for a personal blog post titled “Cats”
What's your name? Why do you own an animal? Describe your pet in detail and include 4 images.
Are you going to offer blogging tips and tricks? If so, what are they?
#15#Write an article about “How To Cook Fish” (including at least 3 examples of different ways to cook fish).
Create a table of contents with a list of the main points in the body of the article; add keywords to all sections.
#16# Write an article “How To Travel”, including at least three different ways to travel.
Author:  Farah
Title: 3 Ways & 3 Tools For Choosing The Best Hiking Boots
#17# Write a blog post about cuisines from around the world, with a detailed introduction and at least 3 examples.
I'm going to take you through my journey of creating an online business in 2008; my experience is detailed in How I Built My First Website .
The following article was written for a class in 2014, but it still provides some useful advice and is definitely worth reading:
Title:  Treating ADHD with Six Pills and a 360-Degree Strategy
#18# Write about how to succeed in business. What are the main strategies you will use? What kind of products will you produce? How do you measure your success?
#19# One paragraph introducing an article titled "How To Escape From Debt". What are the main points of the article and what keywords will be used to search for it?
#20#Discuss 4 ways to save more money. Give at least 3 examples of each of the methods and explain how they can help people start saving.
#21# Write an article about "How To Make a Cake" or "How to Cook a Meal". Include details in the introduction, and 3 recipes in the body of the blog post.
Author: Eliza
Title: 4 Ways & 3 Tools For Choosing The Best Hair Dryer
#22#Discuss 4 ways to save more money. Give at least 3 examples of each of the methods and explain how they can help people start saving.
#23# Write an introductory paragraph for a blog post about the main ways people can lose weight.
#24# You are starting a travel agency. Write an article about how to choose the best places to go on holiday, using at least 3 examples from your website.
Author: Eliza
Title: 4 Ways & 3 Tools For Choosing The Best Body Pillow
Title: How to Lose 25 lbs in 1 Week - Interviewing successful people and asking them how they did it!

#25#Write an article titled "How To Have A Good Credit Score" including at least 3 sections with examples and images.
#26# Write an article titled "How To Build A Website" including at least 3 sections with images.
#27#Write an introduction and a conclusion for a blog post titled "What's The Difference Between A Blog And A Website?”.
#28# Discuss 4 ways to save more money. Give at least 3 examples of each of the methods and explain how they can help people start saving.
#29 Write an introductory paragraph for a blog post about how you can achieve success in marketing on social media. What strategy will you use? List at least 3 things you will do to promote your posts effectively (e.g. by choosing the right social network).
#30# Write an article titled "How To Do Your Taxes". Include details in the introduction, and 4 examples in the body of the blog post.
Create a table of contents with a list of all topics in the body of the article.
#31# Choose one of these examples:
How to choose a wedding dress; How to choose a tuxedo; How to choose where to go for your honeymoon; How to choose what clothes to wear for work; and create an article titled “How To Choose A Car”. Include details in the introductory paragraph, and 4 sections with images in the body.

How to choose the best mobile phone; How to choose the best laptop; How to choose where to go for a family vacation; How to choose a backpack for travelling; and create an article titled “How To Choose A Vacuum Cleaner”. Include details in the introductory paragraph, and 4 sections with images in the body.
#32# Write an article about "How To Get Pregnant" including at least 3 examples of different ways it's possible to get pregnant.
Author: Ellen
Title: 3 Ways & 3 Tools For Choosing The Best Makeup Brushes
#33#Write an introduction for a blog post titled "What Is The Difference Between A Website And A Blog?”. What are the main points and keywords?
#34# Discuss 4 ways to save more money. Give at least 3 examples of each of the methods and explain how they can help people start saving.
#35# Write an article titled "How To Make A Cake". Include details in the introduction, and 3 recipes in the body of the blog post.
Author: Mindy
Title: 4 Ways & 3 Tools For Choosing The Best Printer Cartridges
#36#Write a blog post titled “When Should I Get Married” including at least 3 sections with examples and images.



Note that the blog posts are listed below in the order they appear in the list. For example, #11 should be read after #10.Alternatively, you can use the table of contents to view them in any order you would like.

#1 #2 "How To Build A Website" (Article 1)
Title: How to Build a Website
Publish: 15-Jul-2011 Share With Friends! http://soamazingdeals.

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