5 Fun Party Games For Direct Sales That Will Boost Your Business


 5 Fun Party Games For Direct Sales That Will Boost Your Business

It's time to have some fun with your direct sales company! This can be a great way to keep your members and clients entertained while selling. Here are five party games that will make you the life of the party and allow you to promote your products.

As a member of any type of business, it can be hard trying to find something new with which you can attract clients or members. One idea is the use of games that revolve around promotions, specials, and other features offered by Direct Sales companies such as yours. This form of entertainment creates a sense of excitement in customers and encourages them to come back for more. These are five games that you can use to bring your company to the top.

The Game: Slot Machine

This game is one you can play with a group or all of your direct sales company members and clients. This game is played in teams, so choose whether you would like to be the dealer or the players. Dealers have their own special rules for the game, but both sides have an equal chance at winning. The rules are simple: The dealer spins the reel, waits for it to stop bouncing up and down and calls out where they will go (either on a 1, 2 or 3). The players who land there on the reels, win. Each time someone wins, they take another spin and keep playing. For the winners, prizes can be given out and marketed to them before they play.

The Reward: Your products in exchange for free tickets to a raffle. Each person who comes into your company can bring as many tickets as they have products you are selling and more chances at winning the prize! This is a great way to get people into your company and on your side while advertising at the same time. You will encourage return clients by keeping them interested in what you are doing and you can continue earning their loyalty.

The Game: Name that Product

This is a fun game for groups to enjoy and is something you can do outside of your company building. All you need are a few pictures of products from your website and a stopwatch. Divide everyone into teams, give them each their pictures, and set the stop watch. The first person to say what product they think it is gets one point for their team. Sounds easy, but once the time starts, it can get pretty difficult to guess! You will be surprised at how fast your clients think on their feet when trying to win or beat other teams. Good luck!

The Reward: Give out coupons or pass out business cards as prizes. If you have an easy time of it, you can give out a little more and promote your company to the winner! This is a great way to get clients interested in what you are selling and will make them loyal to you.

The Game: Name that Salesperson

This game is best played outside in a public place where people can watch. Have each person stand behind your salespeople, call their name and the first person who correctly answers where that salesperson works wins. If they do not know where they work, they get three guesses, but if they still cannot seem to guess, then all of the other workers are called out loud until one can be selected. The prize for this game can be a few coupons or business cards for your company. This game is fun to play and good exercise for salespeople who are on display, as well as the people who are playing.

The Reward: This will vary, but you can give out a small sample of your products to every person that is able to guess correctly in order to promote your company. There are a lot of salespeople in each company, so you will have opportunities to continuously do this if you come up with new ones each time.

The Game: Name that Product

This game is especially helpful when selling your products because it allows people to see exactly what they are purchasing. All you need to do is have people line up and have one person give a clue. The first person to call out the product name, gets one point for their team. This is a great game for people who are looking for promotional items, such as posters, clothing or other items that promote your company.

The Reward: Give out coupons or pass out business cards as prizes. If you have an easy time of it, you can also give out a little more and promote your company to the winner! This is a great way to get clients interested in what you are selling and will make them loyal to you.

These games are fun and easy ways to keep your salespeople motivated while advertising at the same time. These games can be adapted to a lot of different programs and benefits your company, your salespeople and clients. These ideas also give you an opportunity to build a sense of loyalty within your company that will enable you to earn a reputation for being in business for a long time. Use these tips and tricks to keep people engaged and interested in what you are doing!

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About Bright Ideas Marketing: Bright Ideas Marketing, Your Business Marketing Agency. Visit Bright Ideas Marketing at www.brightideasmarketing.com or call us at 877-886-9799 [5]

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You will have many opportunities to help your clients and salespeople make money as long as you are offering products that are worth the investment. There are many creative ways to advertise your company, increase sales and keep clients interested in what you have to offer! You can use these games to give people a different perspective on your company. By having fun, it allows you to build a reputation for being in business for a long time and for keeping clients coming back again and again!

As always, I encourage feedback from all of my readers. Please feel free to send me comments or suggestions at gstudio@brightideasmarketing.

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