How to Have a Great Time Gambling without Losing Your Money


 How to Have a Great Time Gambling without Losing Your Money

If you're on this site, chances are you're looking for tips to have a great time gambling without losing your money. That's understandable! But it's not actually that hard. It just takes a little know-how, some discipline, and the right strategy to make sure you're as pleased with yourself at the end of your visit as when you entered the casino.

This post will teach you how to successfully gamble with these three steps: avoid impulse bets, stay in control of your betting budget and be mindful about losses or wins. I'll explain how to do each step and then give some advice about gambling strategy that will help you achieve your goals. If you're ready, let's get started!

Avoid Impulse Bets

The first thing to know about playing the slots is that you mustn't gamble impulsively. You must bet only on coins that you are absolutely sure you want to win or lose. Don't place a bet unless it makes sense for what you want to do, because in the long term, all bets lose money.

I say this because I know a lot of folks who make impulse bets that they don't really want, but instead of putting them back in the machine, they just leave it on the same bet and then hope for the best. When you do this, you're actually gambling irrationally, because you're placing bets that aren't in your best interests to win — and most of them will lose!

Another example is when people go to casinos too often. They end up placing large bets because they hope they can get ahead before they lose their money. The truth is that if you go overboard gambling, then you'll end up losing more than you can afford.

This is why many gambling professionals recommend limiting how much you play. That's not always an option, because sometimes you just want to let loose and gamble a little bit. Unless you plan on visiting a casino every day, I wouldn't go overboard with your money in the slots just to have it back at the end of your day — that's when it really starts hurting! Keep your losses under control, but don't limit yourself (see my prior post How to Always Win Online).

Staying in Control of Your Betting Budget

The main key to having a great time gambling without losing money is keeping control of your betting budget. Let me give you some examples about how to do this:

Avoid losing your money betting more than you have. In this case, if you're betting $50 and lose it all, you only have $25 left. This can be a problem if you only have $5 in the machine and don't realize it until after your bet is gone. Avoid losing your money betting larger than the amount of your budget. For example, if you're staying at a casino and want to go for broke on some video poker games, then if you end up with only $20 left in your budget, that's too small of a budget to play with.

These two rules of budgeting can help you avoid getting into too much trouble. Remember, the main reason you gamble is to have fun — as long as you're having fun and not going overboard, then what's the problem?

Being Mindful of Losses and Wins

I've heard a lot of people complain about how they lost more money than they bargained for, but it doesn't have to be that way. Your goal is to have a great time gambling without losing your money, so knowing when to stop is important. One way to avoid this problem is having a clear idea of how much you want to lose or win before you play.

Knowing this number will help you determine when your losses or wins should stop. Here's how to decide:

If you lose a certain amount of money in the first hour, it's probably time to stop betting and start making some rounds so that you can have fun and not have a terrible time.

If you're having fun betting, then keep going. You don't have to keep wagering as much as you do.

If you lose a certain amount of money in a certain time period (such as 10 or 15 minutes), it's time to stop betting and start using your strategy. Try not to stick around so that you can win more — try to get out of there before the casino closes!

This way, if you gamble, then your losses will come in some intervals rather than all at once. That way, even if you bet too much and end up losing more than you want to, at least it will be spread out over the day rather than occurring all at once.

This is a pretty simple strategy that I'm sure that the casinos use — they simply limit the amount of money people can gamble. If you have enough money to lose, then you can gamble all you want, but if not, then they'll make sure you have only so much at any given time.

That's how I do it as well — stakes are limited by my bankroll and by how much I can afford to lose! Sure I make a few bad bets here and there (especially when my gambling strategy is off), but as long as I stay within my limits, then it works out for me! That's how minimizing losses works in practice!

What about You?

Now it's your turn. What do you do to make sure that you don't gamble more than you want to? How do you avoid impulse bets? Do you know what your budget is when it comes to gambling, or how much money you're willing to lose or win?

How will this post help you in your gambling future? For that matter, how can I help? Leave a comment below!

Photo by mr_williams1954. Creative Commons license; some rights reserved.

For more information about overcoming problem gambling, please visit the National Council on Problem Gambling's website.


In the end, make sure that you set a budget and don't go overboard when it comes to gambling. If you keep this in mind and make sure that you don't spend too much too soon, then you'll be able to have fun without causing yourself any problems. Although this might sound like a contradiction, it's really not! Have fun gambling and make sure that you don't lose your money!

If you need me for anything else, I'll be hanging out on Twitter. Feel free to ask me any questions about problem gambling or about how I can help your site rank better in search engines.

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