How to Meet that Special Someone


 How to Meet that Special Someone

Put down the phone, turn off your TV, and stop hiding behind those screens. Step into the light and meet somebody in person!

It sounds daunting, but it's not as hard as it may seem at first. Join an online dating site or grab a friend to take you out for a drink. Put yourself out there and meet new people by doing something you love (or even something you hate). Who knows? It might just be what makes your life worth living again.

This article covers some of the most common reasons they turn to online dating. Weighing the pros and cons of online dating will help you make an informed decision.

They're scared that meeting someone over the internet will be a bad experience. That's why more than 80% of people who meet on POF (Plentyoffish) choose to get together in person after only 3-4 dates. Good news for them – it usually turns out pretty well, too!

They suffer from low self-esteem and hard to read signals. It's easier for them to just not commit because of anxiety. They're so much better alone than with others.

They need to find someone that fits their specific needs and wants. They have high expectations, which makes it hard to find anyone who meets them.

They've given up on the idea of finding someone and are just doing it out of desperation because they want companionship (or maybe even a commitment). They're suffocating in their loneliness and need to get out of it as soon as possible.

These people have turned to online dating because they're not having good luck in person. After all, you meet more people online than you do in real life! You'll be able to search by location, age, interests, and flirting skills.

They feel that they're not attractive enough. They want to reach out and find someone who is similar to themselves. Online dating is a great way to do that.

They own personal issues that can't be fixed in person. This can include a history of abuse, anxiety or depression, anger management issues, or any other reason that prevents a relationship from being healthy and happy for them.

They feel like they have nothing to offer anyone in a monogamous relationship (i.e., marriage). They fear the commitment of getting married again because it's the same trap they've been trying to get free from all along. The online dating site helps them avoid committing when it's just not right for either one of them.

They feel like they always have the blues because they miss their significant other (or someone else). They can't keep themselves away from their phones and computers, so it keeps them away from romantic relationships. Online dating is a great way to meet people without leaving your home.

They need to be able to comfortably talk about anything and everything with someone new, especially if they find themselves in a relationship where communication is lacking. They can overcome their nerves by chatting with you on the phone or emailing with questions or answers while keeping things completely confidential.

Online dating is a convenient way for them to have all of their questions answered up front, so they can spend less time worrying about the small things that can make or break a potential relationship.

They don't have the time or motivation to go out and meet people in person. They like that online dating gives them freedom and flexibility, as they're working hard to achieve their goals in life.

Single people waste 2-3 hours of their day when they could be searching for love online instead. The average person spends between 15-25 hours each week trying to find someone special, even if it means driving around town and going on random dates with different people.

Online dating gives them all the options they're looking for in one place. They don't have to spend their time trying to meet people who aren't right for them, and they can go back to work, school, or spending time with those that matter.

You'll most likely find them on POF (Plentyoffish), a trusted name in online dating since 2003. It was the first place to use technology to match people and then make sure that their profiles were up-to-date. Other popular sites include Match, Chemistry, OkCupid, Tinder, and eHarmony. Try one of those sites or all of them and see which one works best for you or your loved one. The internet has made it easier than ever to find someone special!

They're searching for someone who looks like a perfect match. They wouldn't mind meeting that special someone on the first date – even if they've gotten burned too many times in the past.

They want someone to love them unconditionally and be there when they need them. They're tired of being there for everyone else and not having anyone to turn to for emotional support.

They're looking for someone who makes them feel more alive and passionate than they've ever felt before. They can't stop thinking about their significant other, even if they just met that special person yesterday!

They want someone who will be there when they need them most. They know exactly what they want in a relationship, and the anticipation is killing them until the right one comes along.

They've been hurt by someone else, which has caused a deep emotional scar that may never fully heal. They need to move on with their life and put that person behind them so they can find somebody who will treat them right.

While they're looking for love, they're also looking for someone to do everything they've ever wanted to do. They're holding out hope that one day, somebody will sweep them off their feet, and it will be the happiest day of their life.

They want to share everything with the person who's meant for them – even if it means asking them for help. They know what's missing from their lives is somebody who accepts them for who they are, flaws and all.

They want someone who will enjoy the long-term relationship and share their life with that person.


Finding love takes time and patience, as it's not always easy to find someone who has the same values as you when it comes to relationships. It can be slow going at first, but if you keep looking, you'll eventually find someone who is worth the wait!

While love is overrated for most people, it isn't for everyone. Some people have found their true love and are committed to making things work for the long haul – even if it means dealing with very real issues that come up every once in a while. It's not always easy, but it's also not impossible to make things work!

Most people don't know whether they want a committed relationship or not.

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