Health Insurance-A Surprise Graduation Gift


 Health Insurance-A Surprise Graduation Gift

If you're getting ready to graduate from college, congratulations! One of the most joyous days of your life is just around the corner.

However, before you pack up and head off to your bright new future, it's important that you also get a plan for health insurance. This not only includes checking on your options in case something goes wrong but also knowing what if anything your parents require or how much they have saved up to cover those costs.

Health Insurance for Parents

Now, your parents may have already taken care of this issue. If so, they may be happy to pay for it either for the rest of your life or perhaps covering you until you reach a certain age.

If they haven't taken care of it by now, however, or if they aren't able to help you but want to give you something to help support yourself as you go through life, then that's where a health insurance plan can come in handy as a graduation gift. One of the best ways that your parents can give something like this as a gift is by purchasing a group plan through their place of employment.

You can also get a health insurance plan for yourself. One very popular choice is Blue Cross and Blue Shield. This isn't the only option, however, with some plans being more affordable than others. It also depends on your age and how far you have to go before you can handle the cost of a plan all on your own without help from your parents or grandparents.

If you know that it's definitely necessary for you to take care of this issue as soon as possible but that your parents simply can't cover everything, then there are a variety of other companies out there who offer their services through the university at rates that are lower than those offered by the major insurance providers.

This is a good option for those who have a strict financial budget. It's also one that you may want to consider if you're still young.

Parents and Doctors

You may have heard from your parents but it's going to be up to you and your doctors to make the final decision as to what is best for you. If they don't approve of what they hear, then that's something that you will need to work out with them.

This isn't always as easy as it sounds, especially if they are against having insurance through their employer for some reason or another. The best thing that you can do for this situation is to have a serious conversation with them early on. This way, you'll already be prepared for whatever comes.

It's also always a good idea to have an exit strategy ready just in case they refuse to understand your point of view. You might need to simply offer up the money that they were going to spend on the insurance and ask them if they'd be willing to let you pay for it on your own instead.

If you do this from the start, then you should already know what kind of help you are going need with covering those extra costs and should be able to get help fairly quickly if needed.

You can do the same thing if you know that you're expected to sign up for insurance but that your parent could pay for it all on their own.

They may not be able to do so financially, however. This is something that you'll simply have to figure out whether the time is right or not. It might be a good idea to ask around and see what kind of help is available from other family members and friends before deciding whether or not this will work for you.

Expenses You Can Expect When You Graduate From College

Some things many people may not expect are how much extra money they will need when they graduate from college. This can be an especially difficult transition if you didn't do well in school, took a year or more off, or dropped out entirely.

The good news is that you don't have to worry about having to pay for college all over again. However, there are many other expenses that you will need to take care of as soon as possible. These expenses include:

Finding your own place to live. This is one of the most important steps that you'll go through after graduating from college and starting your professional life. You may want to look into getting a roommate.

This is one of the most important steps that you'll go through after graduating from college and starting your professional life. You may want to look into getting a roommate. First month's rent. Be sure that you have enough saved up to cover the first month's rent at your new abode because this will be due as soon as you move in. The good news is that many of these companies ask for month-to-month leases so if it doesn't work out, all you need to do is move out after the first month.

Be sure that you have enough saved up to cover the first month's rent at your new abode because this will be due as soon as you move in. The good news is that many of these companies ask for month-to-month leases so if it doesn't work out, all you need to do is move out after the first month. First month's security deposit. While a security deposit may not be as much as the full month's rent, it can still run into a lot of money if you're not careful. In addition, you will need to pay any pet fees that go with having a new roommate and any other fees required by the landlord or property manager.

While a security deposit may not be as much as the full month's rent, it can still run into a lot of money if you're not careful. In addition, you will need to pay any pet fees that go with having a new roommate and any other fees required by the landlord or property manager. Your own furniture. This is one of the hidden costs of moving into your own apartment. While some may have the money for a new sofa or bed frame, others may not be so sure about their budget in this regard.

This is one of the hidden costs of moving into your own apartment. While some may have the money for a new sofa or bed frame, others may not be so sure about their budget in this regard. Your own food and grocery needs. Many students either over-spend on food during college or have plenty leftover when they graduate and leave campus.


No matter what the reason is for not achieving a high GPA in college, or even if you dropped out, you shouldn't let that stop you from applying for an insurance plan that will be needed by almost everyone.

It can be difficult to understand what you may need just by looking at the premiums but these depend on factors that are actually very personal in nature. For instance, some may need private insurance while others may be forced to go with public based plans. Some may have family members who will help pay for it all while others will have no one to call.

Just as an individual needs and budget is different from another, so is the cost of health insurance.

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