Private Investigation Techniques
Despite the fact that private investigation techniques are used in so many different contexts, from law enforcement to human rights defenders, an excellent understanding of these techniques is still a mystery to many. This blog post will discuss the 37 best websites and apps where you can learn private investigation techniques from.
Private investigation typically refers to any kind of conjoint effort to gather information about people or property without or in breach of legal restrictions. The term includes investigatory and security-related services offered by individuals who do not rely on legal means such as police officers, detectives, intelligence agents or members of national intelligence services. Private investigative activities are often regulated by relevant laws and professional codes of conduct.
In this article we will discuss the following:
1. Introduction to private investigation and its legal context
2. The 37 best websites for learning more about private investigation techniques. Sources of information in each category (online courses, blogs, toolsets) and general conclusion.
A professional website providing a list of different types of intelligence gathering and covert operations, as well as a selection of tools that can be used by private investigators to perform their work. It lists training courses available in various countries around the world as well as jobs available for qualified investigators.
Browsing through this website can help you understand how to properly carry out your own investigations with the skills you already have or learn how to develop them further.
In this section of the website you will find:
• General information about the site and its owner,
• The different areas of intelligence gathering,
• A series of blog posts listing relevant tools for information gathering,
• Get involved in the community in various ways.
This resource is provided by Risk Intelligence. It aims to educate people about security and safety issues so that people can be more aware and cautious when it comes to their security.
Sharing the same goal with the previous website, this source is concerned with the protection of private information. It provides a series of tutorials for encryption and anonymization, such as how to use Tor Browser and how to set up a VPN connection.
If you are currently building up an independent investigations team or want to learn more about private investigation techniques by going deeper into privacy protection, this is a great resource.
In this section of the website you will find:
• Blog posts related to privacy and security issues in general,
• An email newsletter providing updates on similar topics,
• A few tools for data protection that can be downloaded after registration.
This website provides more than 100 courses for various private investigators. They cover a range of topics including surveillance, cyber security and counter-surveillance techniques.
It is also important to note that the site minimizes the use of jargon and often uses common sense terminology so that those who are new to language can still understand what is being said.
In this section of the website you will find:
• A series of blog posts discussing different aspects of intelligence gathering,
• Training courses related to investigations work, such as surveillance techniques and fraud detection.
• An extensive list of companies offering various work-related private investigation services,
• A personal job listing section that allows users to post their availability for specific job opportunities.
On this website you will find courses ranging from those focused on counter-surveillance to ones focusing only on surveillance. These include a range of different exercises, such as the "Irish Surveillance Challenge" and the "Surveillance Contest".
A good way to get a large amount of information all at once is by browsing through the list and finding the most interesting training content that suits your needs.
The website also contains a variety of toolsets for private investigators that can be downloaded after registration.
In this section of the website you will:
• Find a series of online courses related to surveillance,
• Have access to lists of some notable tools available for download,
• Be able to register for free and post your availability for job opportunities.
On this website you will find videos and articles related to various types of security and surveillance topics. The site is mostly aimed at small business owners but also provides some useful tips for freelancers.
The general aim is to help people protect themselves from thieves and assess their current security situation in order to improve it. This can be helpful if you are currently building up an independent investigations team or want to learn more about private investigation techniques by going deeper into safety issues.
In this section of the website you will find:
• General information about the site and its owner,
• Information on how to access the different sections of the site,
• A series of blog posts regarding security issues with specific toolsets each categorized according to their level of difficulty. For example, there is a beginner guide for purchasing binoculars for surveillance work and a more advanced guide for purchasing high-end cameras. There is also a beginner's guide for acquiring and setting up a Raspberry Pi as a surveillance server.
On this website you will find many blog posts and videos related to surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques, specifically focused on surveillance equipment. These include set-up guides for a Raspberry Pi as a surveillance server and a series of YouTube videos about the best CCTV equipment available at the moment, depending on various criteria such as cost, quality and reliability.
The site also provides information about security courses that can be enrolled in with few questions asked in order to get started right away.
A selection of resources aimed at private investigators who are looking for ways to improve their investigations skills by learning new techniques. The website mainly provides information about online courses that can be enrolled in with few questions asked in order to get started right away.
In this section of the website you will find:
• Videos related to professional investigations,
• Blog posts regarding different aspects of private investigations,
• A series of toolsets that can be downloaded after registration.
This section is dedicated to the use of technology by private investigators. It is divided into sub-sections such as:
This website features a series of resources for anyone who has just started out with their own investigations team or is looking for a new job opportunity. These resources include job listings of available jobs from some of the best private investigation companies in the industry.
This website provides information on courses that are related to investigations work, such as surveillance techniques and fraud detection. The site is divided into various sub-sections such as:
The website focuses mainly on cases where private investigators have been involved but also features some information about other related topics such as security and surveillance, such as:
This website features a series of electronic tools and instruments for private investigators who are looking for ways to improve their investigations skills by learning new techniques.
When looking at a private investigator website it is important to take into consideration the goals of the owner and the type of information that is being provided. It is also important to remember that private investigators are not medical doctors and will often not be able to diagnose most problems. The information provided on these websites should be taken with a grain of salt but when reading you should always make sure to get everything from reputable sources.
This page collects blog posts relating to various aspects of surveillance, counter-surveillance, security and investigation work. They share different insights into various methods used by private investigators. These include both online courses and specific toolsets for offline use.
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