A Closer Look at Wart Removal
Skin warts are not harmful and will eventually go away on their own. Wart removal, however, is a more humane way to treat skin warts - for you and the wart. Burning or freezing your skin can leave marks or discolorations that don't fade over time.
There are a few different ways to remove warts including salicylic acid, duct tape, freezing them off with liquid nitrogen at your doctor's office and burning them off with an electric device such as a Diathermy.
5 Tips for Successfully Removing Skin Warts:
1) Talk to your physician about which method would work best for you. Be sure to ask about the costs and your insurance coverage.
2) Don't try to remove them on your own with an over-the-counter wart treatment product. These products contain chemicals that can be harmful if you apply them incorrectly.
3) When removing a wart, you will need to apply pressure for at least five minutes but not longer than thirty minutes or else you might cause scarring and damage to your skin. Use a cotton ball or pad so you don't accidentally scratch the area. Once the wart is removed, soak the area in warm water for at least five minutes and then apply an antibacterial ointment like Neosporin.
4) If you are unsure if the wart is gone, you can always have your doctor remove it.
5) Once the warts have been removed, don't reuse strips of duct tape or tweezers—that can cause more warts. Instead, a new stick should be used each time to ensure that we don't contaminate the hurt area. Here's an example of how to remove warts properly with duct tape:
6) If you do have a contagious skin disease such as scabies or mites, talk with your doctor about how to treat them. These diseases may require different treatment methods but in this case you may be advised to see a dermatologist for removal.
7) For women, warts can get caught in your tampon, causing infections and other medical problems. Be sure to check with your physician before stopping your use of tampons.
8) If you do have a wart but are avoiding removing it because you have a wedding or a party coming up, you can simply cover the area. A small bandaid or even panty hose can work to cover your wart until it is no longer noticeable.
9) If you don't want to remove the wart and would prefer to live with it, try dabbing an over-the-counter wart removal product like Compound W on the skin tumor three times a day. However, try not to pick or scratch at the skin growth.
10) Avoid sharing tweezers, razors, or other skin care products with your friends and family members. This includes hair trimmers and eyebrow shapers. Using someone else's tools can increase your risk of developing a wart. It's better to use your own tools each time you want to remove a wart because it's more sanitary and reduces the chances of spreading a contagious infection like HPV.
11) You cannot get rid of warts by going tanning either indoor or outdoor because they suppress the immune system.
12) Warts are caused by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus, and can appear on most area of the body with the exception of your soles.
13) You should never use duct tape or tweezers to pop a wart off your skin because it can spread like wild fire. You should see a dermatologist instead who will use liquid nitrogen or another method to freeze it off. After freezing it off, you should soak in warm salt water for ten minutes and apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin afterward.
14) In addition to a physician removing warts, you can sometimes get rid of them with over-the-counter wart removal products such as Compound W.
15) Also be sure to get in touch with your doctor about your treatment options so you know which type of treatment is right for you. Physicians will be able to give you the correct treatment method based on the severity of the wart and other factors that may influence its appearance.
16) Finally, be very careful about using tweezers or other tools as they can spread contagious diseases like Herpes, HPV, and Shingles. Instead, use a cotton ball or similar product to cover them.
16) If you are unsure what your treatment options are for removing skin warts, make an appointment with your doctor. He or she can evaluate your skin to determine the best way to get rid of them.
17) Your doctor may also want to do a biopsy on warts in order to determine what type of wart they are. Your treatment will be different depending on whether it is a common wart or something more serious like cancer.
18) If you have a painful wart, you can soak it in warm water before applying salicylic acid for about five minutes. It will soften the skin making it easier to remove with your hands or tweezers.
19) Remember that warts are very contagious and can spread from one part of your body to another. You can remove them by using duct tape and tweezers.
20) Warts may also appear in clusters on one area of the body such as the hands, fingers, chest, face, forearms and even neck.
21) If you have a stubborn wart that won't go away on its own, do not be afraid to see a doctor about getting professional assistance with removal. Your doctor may provide you with some oral medication but in other cases, he or she may use a painful chemical to get rid of the warts quicker.
22) Anytime you are treating a wart, make sure you are not exposing yourself to any harmful chemicals or other substances. Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water after removing the warts.
23) Make sure to avoid getting too much sun exposure because it can also cause warts to appear on your skin.
24) If you have a wart that is contagious, or if you know that the wart is not going away on its own, see a doctor for help as soon as possible. This includes soaking it in warm salt water for at least 10 minutes before applying an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.
25) If you have a contagious skin disease such as scabies or mites, they may require different treatment methods but in this case you may be advised to see a dermatologist for removal.
26) If you have warts and are pregnant, see your doctor about treatment options before you start showing in your bump. Make sure that the warts are covered well so that they don't show up and make you feel embarrassed at the doctor's visit.
27) Keep your hands clean and dry by using alcohol-free disposable wipes after going to the bathroom or after handling money. To keep your warts from becoming infected, make sure not to touch anything dirty because germs can spread them or cause infections.
Warts are a very common skin disease that can appear in several different areas of the body. They can be painful and contagious, and can be difficult to remove. It may be wise to see a dermatologist if you have a contagious type of wart as it could spread to other parts of your body or someone else's. In these situations, your doctor may decide that it is best to freeze them off using liquid nitrogen or some other form of freezing treatment.
1) A growing number of people are using Compound W for warts as an effective method for removal.
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