10 More Steps to Internet Success


 10 More Steps to Internet Success

The internet is full of opportunities for you to make yourself a success. There are countless blogs, websites, books, podcasts, forums and more that will teach you how to learn anything from coding or making your own video games to iced coffee and starting a blog. If you want to be successful online or offline, there are ten simple steps that can help propel your success:

1. Build Your Online Presence
2. Make It Easy for People To Find You
3. Track Your Performance & Improve It
4. Be Yourself On Social Media - Don't Be Generic!
5. Invest In Quality Content & Pay For Exposure Where Possible 
6 . Communicate With Others... And Often   7 . Learn To Deal With (and Avoid) Drama 
8 . Don't Seek Approval from People You Don't Know on the Internet 
9 . Be Patient & Enjoy the Journey
10. Don't Give Up! (Like Ever!)   [ARTICLE END]

https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-ali-soltan-5428a11b/ -- LinkedIn Page
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/fusionconnectforbusiness.com -- Website Traffic Ranking
https://www.edx.org/course-detail/introduction-to-internet-of-things/ -- Edx Introduction to IoT Course
https://www.instructables.com/member/AmiraliSoltan/ -- Instructables Profile
https://www.YouTube.com/user/fusionconnectforbusiness -- Youtube Channel
http://www.seroundtable.com/?p=636537 -- Seroundtable Podcast
http://www.alison.com/course-catalog-samples/view-sample.php?id=3254 -- Alison.com Podcast Course Sample
http://www.amiralsoltan.name -- Amir's Personal Website
https://kayako.com/ -- Lead Tracking Software
http://hootsuite.com/sleeping-with-your-customers -- Hootsuite Article
http://www.wsj.com/articles/why-entrepreneurs-love-social-media-1430029307 -- WSJ Article
http://www.Marketplace.org/2012/10/16/businesses-use-social-media--but-not-all--markets -- Marketplace Article
https://www.evernote.com/shard/s57694465.html?country=us&language=el -- Evernote Page
http://amiralsoltan.typepad.com/?p=2472137 -- Amir's Blog
http://www.fusionconnectforbusiness.com -- Amir's Website
http://edx.org/ -- Course Site
https://www.youtube.com/user/CurtisKucerik playlists -- Youtube Playlists
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/fusionconnectforbusiness.com -- Website Traffic Ranking
http://www.marketplace.org/2012/10/16/businesses-use-social-media--but-not-all--markets?_mc=facebook_pages&channel=business&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Marketplace%2FBusiness+-+Facebook+Pages++~business# -- Policy Page For Marketplace Article
http://slidesharecdn.com/fusionconnectforbusiness/fusion-connect-for-business-1001e915-144140984638 -- Slideshare Presentation
https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirali5261 -- LinkedIn Profile
http://www.marketplace.org/2012/10/16/businesses-use-social-media--but-not-all--markets?_mc=facebook_pages&channel=business&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Marketplace%2FBusiness+-+Facebook+Pages++~business# -- Policy Page For Marketplace Article
http://www.buddymedia.com/blog/social-media-buzz-part-1 -- Buddy Media Article
http://www.calendly.com -- Web Scheduling Tool
http://www.seroundtable.com/?p=636537 -- Seroundtable Podcast
https://www.linode.com/pricing?utm_source=website&utm_medium=slide&utm_campaign=linode -- Linode VPS Pricing Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7sFkYTJgqc -- YouTube Video
http://amiralsoltan.typepad.com/?p=2472137 -- Amir's Blog
https://kayako.com/ -- Lead Tracking Software
http://hootsuite.com/sleeping-with-your-customers -- Hootsuite Article
https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirali5261 -- LinkedIn Profile
https://www.evernote.com/shard/s57694465.html?country=us&language=el -- Evernote Page
http://www.edx.org/course-detail/introduction-to-internet-of-things/-- Edx Introduction to IoT Course
https://github.com/aminh-of/Adobe- Lightroom-Podcast -- Github Project
https://www.linode.com/pricing?utm_source=website&utm_medium=slide&utm_campaign=linode -- Linode VPS Pricing Page
http://amiralsoltan.typepad.com/?p=2472137 -- Amir's Blog
http://www.fusionconnectforbusiness.com -- Amir's Website
http://edx.org/course-detail/introduction-to-internet-of-things-- Edx Introduction to IoT Course


There is no way that the internet will end, nor will the opportunities for people to make a living online or offline cease. There are many people who want to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, and many more who are interested in making money on the internet. While there may be much debate about which social media sites are best for business, there is no doubt that the internet has changed our culture and society forever. The internet gives us virtual access to anything we could ever want or need , from entertainment, shopping, regional information and information services. However, it also has a dark side of fake news and scams.

With proper planning and research, every online opportunity could help you make money on the internet to support your future ambitions in life.

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