10 Simple Tips To Help You Write Better Headlines And Make More Sales


 10 Simple Tips To Help You Write Better Headlines And Make More Sales

What is the most important aspect of your blog? The headline. Having a good headline is the difference between someone reading your post and your not being able to convert that into a sale. And you're going to have a lot of competition as more and more people start blogging, because there just isn't enough room for everyone at the top of Google's search engine pages. So if you want to make sure that you stay above water, then you need to get really serious about coming up with headlines that work.

How To Write Headlines That Will Make Your Blog Posts POP
The biggest mistake you can make is writing a headline that says absolutely nothing. Headline grabbing headlines are not about being specific, but instead being short and to the point. You need to make your headline say what your article will be covering without giving too much away.
Here are some simple tips that should help you write better headlines…
1 – Keep It Simple And Short
Don't give away too much of your post in the headline. Sometimes all you need is one or two words to grab someone's attention and pique their curiosity to click through on your post. The most successful blogs use 2-5 word headlines on a regular basis.
2– Use The Words : "How To"
Let's face it, there are a lot of people out there that are looking for answers. They want to know how to do something and they're looking for someone that can point them in the right direction. If you can give them what they're looking for quickly and easily, then you'll have them on your site reading your post faster than you can say "sales."
3 – Add The Word 'Foolproof'
There shouldn't be anything confusing about your headline. You should make sure that it is clear, concise and to the point. Sign up for an account at http://Foolpr0f4ce.com . It's free and it gives you a huge amount of content to help you write better headlines that actually convert.
4 – The DROP Test
Try using the Drop Test in your headline to see if it's a good fit. You can find out more about it here: http://poynter.org/writing-news/media-stylebook/news-tip/articles-tips/the-drop-test/.
5 – Make Sure It Works On Mobile Phones
Make sure that your headline is easy to scan and understand. You don't want to have something on your post that was a head-scratcher when you read it but is now scrolled over and ignored because it's too small or difficult to read.  
6 – Make It Hype You And Use Quotes
If you're writing an article about a great new product, then put in the words "The Best" or something of that nature in the headline. People love to see promises in headlines, not just promises, but actual promises. "The New," "Best," "Ultimate," and the like all work really well.
7 – Play The 'Pop-Up' Game
This is where you create a series of related headlines that lead up to your main one, sort of like the pop-up ads that appear in between pages on your computer screen. Create a series of related headlines and use different words or phrases to describe each one then build it up to the headline that you want.
Here's an example to give you an idea how this is done. First, click on this link: http://poynter.org/writing-news/media-stylebook/articles-tips/10-ways-to-write-better-headlines/ and then the next link: http://poynter.org/writing-news/media-stylebook/videos/10%20simple%20tips%20to%20help%20you%20write%20better.htm and then the link to your post, which is at: http://poynter.org /writing - news / media - stylebook / articles - tips / 10 - simple - tips - to - help - you - write . htm . Okay, now scroll down about three or four lines and you'll see some more links. Click on them. This will bring up a series of headlines that together form the original headline that you wanted to use. Click on the headline that you wrote and then click on Save As and change its name to something like 'Headlines' so you can keep track of what links together to make it. I did this with my post by just calling it 'Headlines'. Now, when I want to put together the original headline, all I have to do is click on the original headline again.
8 – Make It Relevant
Create a series of headlines that are directly relevant to your post as soon as possible after writing your article.
9 – Don't Limit Yourself To One Method
You can use a combination of several different ideas to create your headline. Just because you've used a certain method, it doesn't mean that it's the only one that will work.
10 – Use An Outline To Make Sure That It Works
Use an outline to make sure that your post is working before you publish it. An outline will make sure that you cover all the bases and get all your points across. You could even take this one step further and use an outline to create your entire post after you've written the headline and know what you're going to say, but before you begin writing.
11 – Use The ' Question' Method
Questions grab attention. If you've ever spent any time on the Internet, then you've seen that in action a million times. It's true even if they're rhetorical questions, although they're not as good because they don't tell your reader anything about what you plan to say. Here's an example: What You Should Be Doing To Sell More Blog Posts
12- Use Numbers
Numbers, like One, Two, Three and Four are great for headlines because they draw attention. This is especially true for ones that include months and years.

Just remember, make sure that your headline can stand on its own. You don't necessarily need to be specific, just straightforward and clear. Try to write out a list of your headlines first and then choose the one that works best. Have fun writing some great headlines!
13 – Use A Call To Action
You need to tell your readers what you want them to do when they land on your post. You want them to read it, but there is more than one way to get them to do that. If possible make it an action word or phrase such as 'Learn' or 'Discover'. That way they have something in mind as soon as they click on your link. Here's an example: http://www.

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