5 Proven Ways To Find Link Exchange Partners


 5 Proven Ways To Find Link Exchange Partners

A blog and directory exchange is a major way to increase links to your website. Here are five proven ways to find link exchange partners:

1. Join Link Exchange Programs - link partner directories are usually free or have a minimal fee and offer a large number of partners with membership. 
2. Submit Your Site To Other Directories - submit your website to as many link directories as you can find in order to increase your chances of getting picked up by other sites looking for potential link exchanges. 
3. Google - using Google to look for potential link partners. 
4. Become A Link Partner - offer your own link directory or blog and encourage other sites to do the same. 
5. Social Networking Sites - there are many social networking sites that have large groups of users that form communities and allow users to find link exchange opportunities.
3 Tips For Creating Link Bait By Ruth Soune [http://www.ruthsoune.com/blog/2010/03/3-tips-for-creating-link-bait]
A good article with very simple advice on how to create content that attracts links, but is difficult to copy by others:
1. Content has to be interesting.
2. Content needs to have a value (hard to duplicate)
3. It has to be easy to share (blog, email).
It ends with a 1-2-3 "recipe" for link bait: 1. Find a new angle on old news 2. Give readers something they can use 3. Make it easy to share online and offline with email, blog, etc…
4. Ultimate Guide To Guest Posting - The Definitive Checklist For Link Building And Traffic Generation From Guest Posts By Matthew Woodward [http://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/ultimate-guide-to-guest-posting/]
A comprehensive listing of the "what, where and how" of guest posting, with an emphasis on the "how" portion.
5. 25 Content Marketing Ideas For 2012 By Sujan Deshpande [http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/105292/25-Content-Marketing-Ideas-for--12--2012.aspx]
Another "checklist", this time with 25 suggestions and ideas to make you more productive in 2012.
6. 10 Richest Blogs In The World By Sudeesh Karanth [http://blogwiser.com/blogging/richest-blogs-world]
 Scroll down this list to see how much traffic each blog generates, as well as their top sources of traffic, and don't forget to check out the comments for other bloggers saying what they think of the list... ;)
7. Social Media Marketing World: How To Get A Link From Forbes And Other Major Publications By John Rampton [http://www.brafton.com/magazines/social-media-marketing-world/how-get-link-from--major--publications]
A self-described "dipped in the chocolate mousse, sprinkled with nuts, and garnished with strawberries" guide to social media marketing. A little naïve sometimes, but a lot of good info.
8. 5 Tips To Generate More Guest Post Links By Adam Brown [http://www.adamaskbrown.com/2013/01/5-tips-to-generate-more.html]
A guest post "how to", following up on the theme started above by Matthew Woodward in this blog post: 1. Find a new angle on old news 2.

I hope some of these ideas help you in your link building endeavors. If you have any further links to add, please leave a comment at the end of this article.
Thank you for reading and have a good day!
Further Reading Articles:
Some of the articles that I posted as links at the beginning of this article, are also listed below. If you are interested in learning more about these topics, I would encourage you to read them (or even host them yourself). Here they are:
The 10 Must-Have Skills A Link Building Strategist Needs To Know By Derek Halpern [http://www.derekhalpern.

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