Bill Learns the Secret, Hidden, Locked Away, Super Duper Traffic Creating Power of New Blog Farm
What is this big secret, you ask? Blog Farm. What's Blog Farm? Well, it's something that I've created to help anyone who wants to start a blog grow their traffic. Got questions about what it is and how it works? Wonder no more, for I have answered everything.
Take a read below and check out these answers to all your burning questions about Blog Farm:
- What is Blog Farm? The answer may surprise you...
- Where can I get Blog Farm? The answer is simple... Google it!
- Is Blog Farm available for all blogs or just certain types of blogs? The answer is not a straight forward one... It's actually a mix of every blog type.
- How do you get involved in Blog Farm? The easiest option to take advantage of this traffic creating machine is by installing Google Alerts. This makes sure we are searching for every blog I've ever mentioned. It allows us to find and create new blog posts with the sharing power of our readers without any editing or writing required on our part.
- Is Blog Farm for me? Not necessarily. There are a lot of factors that go into starting a blog. The point of Blog Farm is to help you create new blog posts with zero work involved and help you find the traffic that will make your blog successful. The possibilities are endless once you've got the right tools. But, with that said, it is certainly not for everyone and there are certain qualifications one must meet in order for Blog Farm to be effective in their blogging career. For a list of the qualifications, click here .
- Why do you want to share Blog Farm with everyone? Because I like sharing and it's awesome. Also, it allows me to focus more on my writing, instead of thinking about what topic I'm going to write about next. And think of all the things I can do without having worry about my blog traffic going down!
- How much did you pay for Blog Farm? $0.00 That's right, I did not pay a penny for Blog Farm. All I had to do was search for and learn how to use it. There is no cost involved in order to use Blog Farm and there never will be. It's a free tool that you can use to start a blog over and over again with zero work.
- What does Blog Farm look like? Here is an example of what the traffic looks like now:
As you can see, Blog Farm has created WordPress, Backlink Beast, How To Use Keywords , How To Write A Good Post , How To Create Good Content , Search Engine Optimization Best Practices and tons more. You can check out all the posts I've created thanks to Blog Farm by using this link .
- Who do you think will benefit from Blog Farm? Anybody who wants to start a blog or grow their current blog should take advantage of this traffic creating machine.
Blog Farm is one of those secret, hidden, locked away power tools that can help you grow your blog. Make sure you take advantage of it today!
Co-Creator Of Blog Farm and author of this blog post
Bill Mckibben
email me at , message me on Twitter @billmckibben or message me on Google+ at with any questions. It's all good.
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