Does the American government see its citizens as its children?
Does the American government see its citizens as its children?
Yes, the state views us as children. This is because every citizen needs certain rights and protections to ensure they are functioning properly in society. In the United States, this includes providing social services such as education, healthcare, welfare and social security. These services have helped shape our society into a stronger nation than ever before. In order to provide these benefits that we all take for granted however, our government requires that citizens build relationships with each other and their leaders through forming a sense of trust between them. The way they do this is by convincing us that the government truly cares about our country and our futures. This is known as social marketing. In order to help citizens develop a sense of trust in their government, they use symbols to represent the values of their nation. For example, freedom is a big one for us Americans. We love it when we are told that anything can happen in this country as long as you work hard enough to make it happen, and it will be worth it in the end. We also love the idea of helping your neighbor, because if they can make it, then so can I.
Social marketing has been a tactic used by our government for many years now; however, the government is just now starting to exploit this tool in order to sway citizens' opinions on financial decisions that they may have in their lives. For example, having children is a big decision for most people. The ability to start a family at any time is very important to us Americans; we want to be able to provide and protect our children whenever we need to. The government knows this, and has since created policies that help ease the burden of having children. One of these policies is providing free or low-cost health care benefits for the families with children. This is a huge benefit to most, since health insurance costs can be very high for families; health care premiums rose almost 50% over the last decade. In addition, having children also requires a family to provide more financial support in order to help them in their development. Many Americans have turned to their banks in order to receive loans that will assist them with funding their child's education costs as well as living expenses. This is where President Barack Obama comes in.
President Barack Obama has recently proposed making community colleges free, which is a huge benefit to many families. However, it has come at a cost to the bank accounts of Americans. The government's increased involvement in our lives with policies like these cause them to lose many of their hard-earned dollars to taxes that support programs like this. This causes the people to become angry due to the loss of money and they try to find ways to avoid paying for these expenses themselves as much as possible. One way that they have found is through creating websites that promote their opinions on issues that affect them most.
Conclusion: I have shown you the dilemma that the government has put us in and how they are exploiting our social marketing tools to help them gain our support. The government views us as their children, so they feel that it is their responsibility to take care of us when we need it most. They find ways to make it happen, like creating policies that will help ease the burden of these financial decisions for us. However, these solutions come at a cost to us; we must pay for them by losing money that comes hard-earned through taxes or loans. Although these policies work well in some situations, many people find alternative ways to make ends meet on their own terms; this is where the concept of having your own website comes into play.
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