First Steps You Have to Do When You Email to New Subscribers to Earn Trust & Be Respected


 First Steps You Have to Do When You Email to New Subscribers to Earn Trust & Be Respected

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It is one of the most important milestones in your email campaign. Before sending an email, spend some time considering what you want to say and how to make a good first impression. These are the first steps you have to do when you email new subscribers to earn trust and be respected:
1) Ask permission before sending messages   
2) Make your subject line clear and concise   
3) Show courtesy with language throughout the text of the message (no typos, no errors, no greetings or closings that can be construed as something other than thanking people for subscribing). 4) Keep it short - avoid lengthy introductions or introductions about yourself. 5) If you must, and only if you have something vital to say, ask permission to send the email. 6) Be clear about what you want from the recipient in sending the message (such as a reply or more information) and clearly state what action he/she should take (if you want him/her to reply, let them know what they need to do). 7) Contact his/her domain's opt-in list manager for permission. 8) Only use email addresses that are not used elsewhere. 9) Verify that the address is not from a government agency or "spam" list (Google, listservs, etc.).

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