Fraud Tips for Buying Web Sites
Online fraud is a scammer's paradise. With technology that's accessible and easy to acquire, scammers can get access to your personal information and create fake accounts of you online. They can then try to coerce you into giving them money by telling you they need it for a medical procedure or for their children. Scammers take advantage of the fact that people are more likely to trust online transactions than with physical ones, so they’ve perfected their ways of not only stealing from unsuspecting victims but also convincing them that they won't be caught.
This article offers advice on how not only avoid becoming a victim but also on what steps to take if you have already been targeted by these thieves.
How Credit/Debit Card Fraud Works
Credit card fraud is an increasingly common way of stealing money from people online. It usually takes place on shopping websites. When a shopper decides the purchase, the credit card information is automatically entered into a secure server where it is encrypted. The authorization code is then sent to the shopper, and they click OK on their computer. An exorbitant amount of money will be taken out of your account without you knowing about it. The transaction will usually be processed by buying heavily in order to make it appear as though you spent a small amount of money when you actually had more cash on hand.
What to Look for Before Buying Online
You can't be too careful when it comes to shopping online. So if you’d like to avoid becoming a victim of fraudulent transactions, here are some things you should look for before buying anything.
A trustworthy site with high integrity ratings in the same category as what you're are looking for. These are the main factors that will help you determine if a site is legitimate, so choose one that has very positive reviews and ratings from previous customers.
Don't rush into anything; think ahead and try the site out before making your purchase. Take some time to look for the best deals and see which ones you like best.
Always make sure that your credit card's name, address, phone number, and street (or zip) are correct. Make sure that your address has a zip code – if you're buying on a bank website, the bank may have added this information to protect from fraud. If you have any concerns, do not buy until these details are verified.
If you see a mysterious charge on your credit card statement, do not ignore it. It could be fraud, so make sure you call your bank or credit card company as soon as possible to notify them of the fraudulent activity.
What to Do if You've Already Been Hit by Fraud
Luckily, there are some steps you can take if you’ve already been victim to credit or debit card fraud. Here's what you need to know:
Find out whose fault the situation is by contacting the police and reporting the crime. This will help prevent having this happen again in the future. You will also have legal recourse against the individual(s) responsible for this crime against you.
Learn how to dispute fraudulent charges on your credit card. In some cases, you may need to call before the billing cycle ends to dispute the charge. You can also order a free copy of your credit report and review it for any errors.
Know how to report identity theft from a credit card company by requesting a fraud alert and getting an ID theft affidavit from them as well as filing a police report in case you have trouble contacting the police yourself. Make sure that you obtain all information regarding this case, such as when it happened and who is involved, so that it is easy for them to follow up with their investigation now that they are involved.
Know your rights as a victim of fraud. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to pay for your credit card if the company is at fault for the loss of information. By law, they are supposed to cover all fraudulent charges, so do not be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Keeping these tips in mind will help keep you from becoming a victim of fraud. With careful planning and research beforehand, you can take the necessary steps to ensure that your money stays with you where it belongs and avoid any unwanted worries in the future.
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For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, visit the Identity Theft Resource Center at . If you have been a victim of identity theft, visit for resources on stopping identity theft and protecting your credit. For more information about preventing online fraud, read our article "Top 10 Tips to Protect Your Online Security".
Title: Credit Card Fraud Tips from the FTC
Last Updated: August 12, 2007
FTC staff has put together a list of actions you can take to help prevent and reduce fraud associated with your credit card. All of these suggestions are endorsed by the FTC's Identity Theft Conference as best practices for preventing identity theft in general. Step 1 is always to protect your personal information that goes into your personal account and changing the password on a regular basis. As mentioned in another article on this site, strong passwords are worth more than their weight in gold! When ordering merchandise during online transactions, always check out once you've completed all the requisite information about yourself. Then do a Google search for any potential problems with the company. If you are asked to click on a link that ends up with an offer for credit, be particularly cautious with this type of link. If you do receive an e-mail about any fraudulent activity, call the 800 number on the outside of the e-mail. Include any information you can that will assist in identifying the source of the e-mail and then put in a complaint with the FTC at . If you see a suspicious charge on your credit card statement, contact your financial institution right away. It may be a matter of days before they have time to review your case.
Credit card fraud is a scary thing, but it can be prevented. Follow the FTC's advice and you'll be well on your way to avoiding this type of fraudulent activity. The next time you make an online purchase, check out the provided links and watch out for any suspicious e-mails in your inbox!
Summary Article Name Credit Card Fraud Tips from the FTC Author Jonathan Rose Description There are many different ways your credit card can be compromised that can lead to fraud. Follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim! Author Ecommerce Specialist Publisher Name www.ecommerceadvisor.
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