Getting Googly - A Quick Introduction To Google Adwords
Google Adwords is a tool for attracting customers to the businesses and products you are selling. It is the most widely used paid search engine in the world, and one of Google's most profitable services.
What is Google Adwords?
Google's advertising platform on which people can advertise their products with relevant search terms. Businesses use it to promote their products and services on sites like search engines, social networks, blogs, etc., using keywords that define their category or business. You can also create ads that appear at specific locations or when certain conditions are met (like when someone searches for "coffee"). It can be automated or performed manually.
Why do people use Adwords?
Advertising is a cost effective and highly effective way of reaching your target audience. It's a fun way to advertise as well; you know what makes people search for what you're selling. You can target every geographic region, specific demographics, all age groups, etc.
What should be the goal of an Adwords campaign?
People won't click on ads or use your products/services just because they're free. They'll only come if they want to. That's why you need to create ads that convince them they're interested in what you offer and will make them buy or try it out.
How do you create an Adwords Campaign?
First, you should know what your keyword is. When people write/search for it, they mean to find it. That means they'll click on the ad. You should also determine your budget. This can be for a fixed period of time or you can pay as you go. You need to set your daily budget and at least one keyword and ad group per campaign. Yes, one campaign with at least one keyword, at least one ad group (which will include several keywords under it), which will include several ads (ads are the search engine results –your ads).
How do you determine your keyword?
You should choose keywords that are related to your product or service. They should be searched for on a daily basis. They should be long and short-tail keywords. Long tail is when the user will search for specific things, like "blue shoes for men". Short-tail is when they'll search for more generic terms, like "shoes". You can use tools to determine what the best keyword is for you. Tools like Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Wordtracker, etc., let you check how many people search for a specific word every month and how much they're willing to pay per click on their ad (the CPC).
What are the benefits of Google Adwords?
Google Adwords is one of the most popular advertising platforms worldwide, with millions of users. It's extremely cost effective (compared to other advertising platforms) and the ads show up on search engines, in social media, on websites. Also, you can create different ad groups so that each ad within a particular group is targeted to a certain niche or category. So if you have multiple products or services under one name; say, "John's Restaurant", you can create separate ad groups for each one and target those ads to certain groups of people who'll want your product or service.
What are the limitations of Google Adwords?
Google Adwords has its own set of rules that you must follow. However, the system is not perfect and you can get penalized for it. Say, your ad didn't show up on Google search results. You can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner to check if your keyword was in the list of keywords for which Google blocked ads. You should also have a backup plan in case nothing works out.
How much does it cost?
The cost per click (CPC) varies depending on your campaign goals (number of clicks, views and conversions), location of your website or the geographical region where they're targeting ads (targeting cities or countries). They can start from $0.5 for generic keywords and up to $20 or more for more specific keywords or ones with higher search volumes (the number of people searching for that particular keyword).
How much money can you make with Adwords?
It varies but it can be significant. You should always be on the lookout for ways to optimize your campaign in order to get better results. One thing is certain: the cost per click keeps going up, so if you don't raise your CPC, you'll start losing on clicks, which means losing potential customers. If you're not making enough money out of it, consider alternatives such as Bing Ads or Facebook Ads .
How long does it take to get results?
This depends on your goals, the number and type of keywords you're using, the geographical region you're targeting, etc. You should start seeing results within a couple of weeks. The average time it takes to get a return on investment is 30 days. You can always track which keywords bring you the most clicks (and conversions) and create new ads that will be more targeted for those interested in buying your product/service. One more thing: Google Adwords Campaigns can be managed manually or automatically. Learn how to manage your campaign manually . Read about Google's Local Business Center here .
What are the different ad types?
You have different ad types to choose from: text ads, image ads, video ads and mobile optimized or native ads. The most popular ones are text ads because they're the cheapest. They look like this: . These usually appear in search results. Image ads will make your website loading faster as people can see what your product/service really looks like. Video ads stand out in the SERPs as well. Mobile optimized or native ads can be seen as informative or informative + entertainment . They appear at the top of SERPs when a person is on their mobile device, and it's up to them whether they click on it or not (they might do that if they're searching for something specific).
What are the different ad formats? Ad formats are the ways in which your ad will appear. You can choose text link ads, image links ads, and video search ads. These usually appear in the search results of Google and/or other search engines. Text links come with a title, description and URL (clickable). Image links also come with a title and description but instead of a URL they have an image embedded into the ad. Video search ads look like regular text ads but instead of a text link they're embedded with a video that plays right after you click on them (if you want to play it later, just click on it again). You can also choose whether or not to enable High-quality extension .
Google Adwords is the largest advertising platform worldwide with millions of users. It's highly cost-effective compared to other ads platforms. It allows you to create multiple ad groups under one campaign so that each ad group targets specific niches or categories. Learn more about Google Adwords here . Read about Bing Ads here . Learn about Facebook Ads here .
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