Making Money Online with out Even Breaking a Sweat


 Making Money Online with out Even Breaking a Sweat

Ever think about making money online? It's probably one of the most popular dream jobs today, and for good reason. It's often talked about in terms of how much money you can make, whether you need a degree to make money, or even if it'll be worth your time. Well, we've compiled an ultimate list of websites that will teach you everything from SEO to Microsoft Word macros! These websites allow for all different skill levels including novices and experts alike. So what are you waiting for?
Forums (free)
Friends, family, and colleagues are, in many cases, some of the best resources when starting a business. These can be absolutely invaluable for gaining an understanding of the industry and competition. Forums can give you a feel for the niche that you'd like to work with and help you avoid certain scams or mistakes that other newbies have made previously. One thing to keep in mind is that just because someone has been in the industry longer doesn't mean they're better than everyone else. In fact, one of the most popular forum websites, Reddit , is also one of the most saturated with business owners offering their services.
Sometimes, the best way to learn is to teach. This is especially true for things like blogging and social media marketing. Just about every user on blog sites like Tumblr or WordPress want to learn how to set up a blog on their own.  Teaching them how to do that can not only be rewarding, but beneficial as well since you're teaching people who will be using your services in the near future. This also gives you the opportunity to gain subscribers immediately and make connections that may turn into clients later on.
One of the easiest ways to get started with blogging is setting up a free blog on Blogger or Tumblr . Blogger is owned by Google so it's a bit more user friendly and Tumblr is more artsy for those who enjoy more creative styles. You can also make money from either site, but a paid option may be better suited for you and your needs.
One thing that works well with big companies (or small) is to do the grunt work. If you're at all eloquent, SEO work or studying trends in the industry can put a little bit of money in your pocket without much hassle on your end. Sites like Fiverr offer simple tasks for $5 each so that means you could earn a lot of money doing simple tasks like reading a press release and summarizing it in 250 words . Some of the most popular posters on Fiverr are big names such as American Express and Disney, just to name a few.
Icebreakers (free)
If you're not a people person, it may help to create a profile on sites like LinkedIn or Meetup . These will give you the opportunity to network with other business owners who may be able to offer you advice and guidance. These sites are usually free or have very minimal costs associated with them. You'll get the opportunity to talk one-on-one with other business owners which could help you avoid making some costly mistakes.
Furthermore, these websites allow for targeted advertising so that means they'll only target those within your industry or who want something similar to what you offer them.

In this post we've covered a variety of different ways to get started in the business world and make some money. You'll be able to learn everything from Microsoft Word macros, SEO, blogging, and even social media marketing. However, don't feel as if you have to choose one site over another as they are all great for different things. Try them out and see which ones you enjoy the most!
For more ways on how to make money online check out our other posts:  5 Money Making Marketing Strategies ,  The Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online , AND  2 Ways To Start an Online Business For Dummies .

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