Why Translating Your Website in Hindi Makes Better Sense


 Why Translating Your Website in Hindi Makes Better Sense

It may seem like a small detail, but when you consider how many people speak it as their first language and the sheer size of the country, Hindi is without question one of the most popular languages on earth.

While it's difficult to determine exact numbers since different sources have different data—some say that Hindi accounts for approximately 422 million speakers worldwide, while others report 420 million—it’s estimated that people with knowledge of this language live all over the world from Trinidad to Nepal.

You might be wondering why you should care about any of this. It can't just be about money, right? Well... yes, you're absolutely right! But it's also about making sure your website is translated comprehensively across various languages.

In recent years, translating your website to Hindi has become more popular. It's the most searched-for language on Google Translate and people are beginning to realize that a WordPress site in Hindi makes for a better user experience.

In this article, I’m going to talk about why translating your WordPress site into Hindi is so important—to anyone who doesn't speak the language or live in India—and how you can do it yourself.

First, let me define what I mean when I talk about "translating," because it can get confusing. Translation is the act of taking a source language (English) and translating it into another language (Hindi) without losing the meaning of either language.

Website translation is different. First, your WordPress site will be translated into either English or Hindi using a translator or an automated tool. The result is two languages that are nearly identical in meaning except for a few words and idioms that were left out of the first translation (for example, I might translate "I'm sorry" as apology, but I wouldn't add the word sorry to the end to make it more literal).

That's not all, though. Website translation can also be the act of adding words and phrases to the source language so that the meaning remains intact but it's more comprehensible in the target language. This is known as "transliteration," or "romanization."

Why Translating Your Website in Hindi Makes Better Sense
It's easy to understand why translating a website into Hindi makes better sense than translating it into English if you don't speak or read Hindi. There are millions of native speakers of this same language who use it daily, and a large number of those people live outside India as well.

However, if you live in India but don't speak Hindi, this might not be as clear. Why would you want to translate your WordPress site into one of the most popular languages in the world, which no one has direct knowledge of? Wouldn’t it make more sense to translate your site into English instead?

It's true that without knowing Hindi you won't understand much of what's written on your WordPress site on about 80% of the pages. However, there are many ways for a non-native speaker to read something in Hindi by looking at it carefully and considering its meaning. That’s exactly what they did when they created websites in this language.

If you're a native English speaker, on the other hand, you probably don't have the same problem. You can see an image and know what it is without having to spend time figuring out what it means. As a result, you'll be more likely to read pages on your website that are written in Hindi.

Also keep in mind that the majority of native speakers don’t use any software to translate their websites into other languages. Most never think about someone looking at their site from another country or without being able to understand the language very well. That doesn't mean they don’t care about people outside India; they just don't think about them as much as site owners in other countries do.

I hope this article opened your eyes to the importance of translating your website into Hindi. There are many ways to keep your site updated, but developing it in Hindi means that you'll be able to reach a wider audience and make it easier for them to understand what you’re saying.

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